Izrada omota naslovnice glazbenog albuma

Basta, Bruno (2009) Izrada omota naslovnice glazbenog albuma. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Brozović, Maja].

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Izrada omota naslovnice glazbenog albuma, odnosno cd-a, u radu je obrađena u okviru teorijskog dijela – gdje je težište stavljeno na brojne elemente i načela dizajniranja ovakvog proizvoda, te praktičnog dijela – u kojem su navedeni koraci kroz koje grafički dizajner prolazi pri izradi omota. U okviru praktičnog dijela priložene su i slike realizacije produkta ove teme, ukazujući na raznorazne probleme prilikom izrade, upotpunjene prijedlozima, osobnim iskustvima, te planom izrade postscripta na koncu. Između ostalog, obrađena je i tematika estetike, pogodnosti, poravnanja, grupiranja, klasičnog uvjetovanja, kognitivnog nesklada, boje, dosljednosti, efekta izloženosti, odnosa objekta s pozadinom, tolerancije pogreški, forme/funkcije, zlatnog reza, hijerarhije, naglašavanja, usredotočenosti (u smislu vizualnosti), čitkosti, težine izvedbe, reprezentacije slikom/slikama, redundancije, pravila trećine, efekta sličnosti, simetrije i povezanosti jednakim vizualnim svojstvima.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Brozović, Maja
Defence date: 2009
Abstract in english: The whole production of an CD album cover in this paper work is elaborated in the area of theoretical part – where the center of gravity is on many elements and design principles of the product like this, and finally practic part – where are mentioned all the steps of graphic designer's CD cover production. In the area of the practic part there are attached several pictures of product visual realization, whereas there are various problems during the making of a cover, suggestions, personal experience and finally postscript-making plan. Concerning other things, some other themes have been elaborated: aesthetics, affordance, alignment, chunking, classical conditioning, cognitive dissonance, color, consistency, exposure effect, figure-ground relationship, forgiveness, form follows function, golden ratio, herarchy of needs, highlighting, visual immersion, legibility, performance load, picture superiority effect, redundancy, rule of thirds, similarity, symmetry and uniform connectedness.
Uncontrolled Keywords: tisak, grafički dizajn, postscript, omot, Adobe paket
Keywords in english: print, graphic design, postscript, cover, Adobe suite
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 27
Callnumber: bro 2009 bas
Inventory number: Z20
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:41
Last Modified: 20 May 2014 13:28
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1002

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