Novi pristup razmatranju funkcionalnih svojstava otopina za vlaženje

Žitinski Elias, Paula Yadranka (2010) Novi pristup razmatranju funkcionalnih svojstava otopina za vlaženje. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Gojo, Miroslav].

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Plošni tisak zasniva se na suprotnim površinskim svojstvima slobodnih i tiskovnih površina. Tijekom eksploatacije tiskovne forme odvijaju se mnogi procesi koji na razne načine utječu na površinu tiskovne forme, uzrokujući time opadanje njene kvalitete. Cilj ovog rada je promatranje utjecaja temperature na sposobnost močenja slobodnih površina. Porast temperature koje nastaje zbog trenja izmeĎu tiskovne forme, valjaka i ofsetnog cilindara u procesu otiskivanja utječe na proces adsorpcije otopine za vlaţenje na slobodnim površinama tiskovne forme, što izravno utječe na kvalitetu otiska. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da se porastom temperature povećava slobodna površinska energija tiskovne forme. Nadalje, porast slobodne površinske energije uzrokuje i povećanje močenja otopine za vlaţenje. Istraţivanje je pokazalo značaj temperature i ukazalo da taj parametar ima veliki utjecaj na proces otiskivanja, odnosno kvalitetu konačnog proizvoda.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Gojo, Miroslav
Defence date: 27 September 2010
Abstract in english: Offset printing is based on opposite surface properties of nonprinting and printing areas. Printing plates are during printing process influenced by many processes which in various ways affect the printing plate’s surface, causing degradation of its quality. The aim of this study was to detect changes of the wetting abilities of nonprinting areas when temperature is varied. The increase of temperature in the printing process, which is caused by friction between the printing plate, rollers and the offset cylinder, affects the adsorption process of dampening solution to the nonprinting areas of the printing plate, which directly affects the printing quality. Results show that temperature increase causes increase of the surface free energy of the printing plate’s nonprinting areas. Furthermore, the increase in surface free energy causes better adsorption of the dampening solution on nonprinting areas. Research has proven the importance of temperature and has shown that this parameter has significant impact on the printing process and, consequently, on the quality level of final product.
Uncontrolled Keywords: tiskovna forma, kontaktni kut, slobodna površinska energija, temperatura
Keywords in english: printing plate, contact angle, surface free energy, temperature
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 71
Callnumber: goj 2010 žit
Inventory number: DB7
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:43
Last Modified: 15 May 2014 08:44

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