Kajtar, Kristina (2010) Prepoznatljivost vizualnog identiteta regionalnih dnevnih novina. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Brozović, Maja].
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Istraţivanje prikazano u radu se temelji na vizualnoj prezentaciji regionalnih dnevnih novina “Glas Slavonije” kupcima (ĉitateljima). Ono je provedeno anketiranjem ispitanika koji su imali priliku barem vidjeti ove novine, ako ih već ne ĉitaju. Istraţivanjem se htjelo istraţiti stav potrošaĉa (ĉitatelja) obzirom na prepoznatljivost, konzistentnost dnevnih novina, te prilagoĊavanje novina ĉitateljima. Provjeravalo se, prije svega, kolika je navika kupovanja novina, a u obzir su uzeti rezultati samo redovnih ĉitatelja. Rezultatima istraţivanja doznajemo da li ĉitatelji daju prednost estetskom dojmu ili informaciji, da li su novine ikada odabrali samo zbog vizualne privlaĉnosti, kakav je prvi dojam što ga ostavljaju novine“Glas Slavonije”, te na kraju, kako je ocijenjen sam izgled novina i da li im je bitan vizualni identitet. Istraţivanje je provedeno na populaciji Osjeĉke makroregije - obuhvaća Istoĉnu Hrvatsku, populaciji kojoj je proizvod namijenjen. Konzumenti se razlikuju na osnovu spola, dobi i obrazovanja. Na temelju dobivenih odgovora provedene ankete, dobiveno je većinsko mišljenje ĉitatelja o novinama. Anketa koja se provodila meĊu ispitanicima, pokazuje da je vizualni identitet novina dosta bitan kod kupovine ovoga proizvoda, ali kupuje se prvenstveno zbog informacije (sadrţaja novina).
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Brozović, Maja |
Defence date: | 28 September 2010 |
Abstract in english: | The research is based on the visual presentation of the local newspaper "Glas Slavonia" to customers (readers). The survey was conducted with subjects who at least had a chance to take a glimpse of the paper, if not being regular readers. The study aimed to investigate the attitude of consumers (readers) in terms of recognizability, consistency as well as the adjustment of the daily newspaper to the readers. What was primarily checked was the habit of buying newspapers, and what was then taken into account were the regular readers only. The survey investigated whether the readers preferred the aesthetic impression to information, checked if the readers had ever chosen the papers just because of the visual appeal, but also what kind of first impression “Glas Slavonia" made. The survey also asked about the very appearance of the newspaper and the necessity for a visual identity The study was conducted on a population of Osijek Macro region - includes eastern Croatia, population to which the product is aimed at. Consumers differ according to gender, age and education. Based on the survey responses, we obtained the opinion of the majority of readers of the newspapers. The survey that was conducted among respondents showed that the visual identity of the newspaper is quite important when buying this product, but that it is purchased primarily for the information (the content of newspapers). |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | vizualni identitet, dnevne novine, dizajn novina |
Keywords in english: | visual identity, daily newspapers, design of newspaper |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 56 |
Callnumber: | bro 2010 kaj |
Inventory number: | DB5 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:43 |
Last Modified: | 15 May 2014 07:51 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1186 |
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