Zaštita e-knjiga

Lončar, Aleksandar (2011) Zaštita e-knjiga. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mandić, Lidija].

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Grafička industrija oduvijek je davala značajan doprinos u svim segmentima življenja, od tiskanih novina ili časopisa, preko raznih plakata, brošura, letaka i slično pa sve do ambalaže i, naravno, knjiga. Razvojem tehnologije i prelaskom na digitalne medije, i ona je doživjela svoj procvat proširivši se u digitalne domene putem Web stranica, a u posljednje vrijeme i putem digitalnih e-knjiga. No, za svaki kvalitetan proizvod, bio on tiskani ili digitalni, prije svega važna je dobra priprema. Priprema ima veliku važnost u grafičkoj industriji, ona je temelj svakog rada, o njoj će ovisiti finalan izgled proizvoda, bio on tiskani ili digitaliziran. Kako je digitalizacija tiskanih proizvoda relativno nov pojam, ljudi ga još uvijek prihvaćaju s dozom opreza i skepticizma. Tako je i sa e-knjigama. Međutim, svaka e-knjiga u osnovi je dokument koji se zatim, umjesto da bude otisnut, nudi čitateljima na posve nov način, putem Interneta. No, kao i kod klasičnih tiskanih knjiga, za dobivanje kvalitetnih e-knjiga bitna je dobra grafička priprema. Naime, iako se distribuiraju putem Interneta, i ovakve knjige moguće je otisnuti, bilo na kućnim printerima ili na komercijalnim tiskarskim uređajima (najčešće kod tiska na zahtjev). Upravo iz tog razloga, jednom napravljena priprema sprema se u PDF formatu jer je isti postao standardom u pripremi grafičkih prozvoda. Razlog tome je što se u njemu mogu podešavati različite značajke kao što je sustav za upravljanje bojama (color management), napusti, prekrivanje boje. Osim tih značajki PDF nudi i mogućnost osiguravanja dokumenta. Upravo ova značajka vrlo je bitna kod e-knjiga kako bi se zaštitila autorska prava. Neke od sigurnosti koje se mogu podesiti unutar PDF su: zabrana printanja, zabrana editiranja teksta, zabrana kopiranja teksta i slično. Definiranjem postavki pri samoj pripremi, bilo da su one vezane uz izgled ili mogućnosti editiranja dokumenta, definira se finalni izgled samog dokumenta, i ako one nisu ispravno postavljene, ni finalni proizvod neće bti kvalitetan.

Item Type: Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme
Mentor name: Mandić, Lidija
Defence date: 7 March 2011
Abstract in english: Graphic arts industry has always been giving a significant contribution to all aspects of life, from print materials like newspapers or magazines, than through a variety of posters, brochures, flyers, etc., all the way to the packaging and, of course, books. Technology development and transition to digital media also lead to graphic industry evolution, which has found its way to the digital domain via the Website, and lately through digital e-books. But, above all, the most important thing for every high quality product, whether it is printed or digital, is quality prepress. Prepress is of great importance in printing industry, it is the basis of any work, on which will depend the final appearance of the product, whether printed or digitized. Considering the fact that digitalization of printed products is a relatively new concept, people are still sceptic about it. Same is with e-books. However, every e-book is basically a document which is, instead of being printed, offered to readers on an entirely new way, via Internet. However, same as conventional, printed books, high-quality e-books are product of a good prepress. Although e-books are distributed via Internet, these books can also be printed, either on home printers or commercial printing devices (usually by printing on demand). Therefore, once made, prepress is stored in PDF format, due to the fact that one has become a standard in graphics industry. Main reason for this lies in the fact that PDF offeres various features considering the aspects of final print, such as color management, bleeds, trapping color.. In addition to these features, PDF also offers the possibility of ensuring the documents. This feature is of great relevance to e-books authors interesed in protection of their copyrights. Some of the security features which can be adjusted within the PDF are: editing text ban, printing and text copying restriction and likewise. By defining prepress settings, whether they are related to the appearance or possibility of editing the document, the final appearance of document itself is also defined, and if the settings are not set accurately, final product will be no good.
Uncontrolled Keywords: grafička priprema, e-knjige, PDF format, sigurnosna zaštita e-knjiga, sustav upravljanja bojom
Keywords in english: prepress, e-books, PDF format, security protection of e-books, color management
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 44
Callnumber: man 2011 lon
Inventory number: D884
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:43
Last Modified: 02 May 2014 08:43

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