Petrović, Marijana (2012) Čvrstoća knjige u ovisnosti odnosa papira i ljepila. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Babić, Darko].
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U radu se odreĊivala ĉvrstoća meko uvezanih knjiga izraĊenih od nepremazanog, premazanog i sintetiĉkog papira. Knjižni blokovi su lijepljeni sa tri vrste ljepila (PVAc, hot-melt i PUR). Metodom statiĉkog opterećenja izmjerene su sile kidanja pojedinaĉnog lista papira iz knjižnog bloka u istim uvjetima rada (36 knjiga). Ispitivanje je provedeno na ureĊaju Martini Tester, Type VA. Svrha rada je prikazati koja kombinacija papira i ljepila daje najbolju ĉvrstoću knjižnoga bloka. TakoĊer, pošto je ovo jedno od prvih ispitivanja koje ukljuĉuje sintetiĉki papira kao materijal za izradu knjiga, cilj je istražiti isplativost takvog pothvata. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je optimalna kombinacija ona nepremazanog papira i PUR ljepila, te da PUR ljepilo neovisno o vrsti papira daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Rezultati za sintetiĉki papir pokazuju da ta vrsta papira nema predispozicije da bude korištena za izradu knjižnoga bloka meko uvezane knjige.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Babić, Darko |
Defence date: | 1 March 2012 |
Abstract in english: | The paper determines the strength of soft-bound book made of uncoated, coated and synthetic paper. The book blocks are glued to the three types of adhesives (PVAc, hot-melt and PUR). The method of static loads were measured breaking force of a single sheet of paper from the book block in the same conditions (36 books). The study was conducted on the device Martini Tester, Type VA. The purpose of this paper is to show which combination of paper and adhesive gives the best book block strength. Also, since this is one of the first studies involving synthetic paper as a material for the book, the goal is to explore the feasibility of such a venture. The obtained results show that is optimal combination of uncoated paper and PUR adhesives, and that PUR adhesive regardless of the type of paper gives satisfactory results. Results for synthetic paper shows that this kind of paper does not have the qualities to be used for the book block of soft-bound books. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | meko uvezana knjiga, knjižni blok, papiri, ljepila u knjigoveštvu, ĉvrstoća knjižnog bloka |
Keywords in english: | soft bound books, book block, papers, adhesives for bookbinding, strength of the book block |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 50 |
Callnumber: | bab 2012 pet |
Inventory number: | DB86 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:45 |
Last Modified: | 24 Apr 2014 09:59 |
URI: | |
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