Percepcija provokativnih poruka u dizajnu reklama

Mandić, Vjeko (2012) Percepcija provokativnih poruka u dizajnu reklama. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pibernik, Jesenka].

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U današnjem društvu ljudi su svakodnevno okruženi tisućama različitih reklama i isto toliko načina reklamiranja. Nemoguće je da publika primijeti i upamti svaku od njih. Zbog te činjenice oglašivači sve više i više podižu granice kako bi se probili kroz "jurnjavu" oglašavanja odnosno reklamiranja i kako bi bili primijećeni. Tržište komunikacija manipulira s promatračima koristeći razne reklamne poruke koje u nekim slučajima prelaze granicu onoga što se smatra prihvatljivim i zbog toga je reklamiranje percipirano kao provokativno i neprikladno. To nas vodi svrsi ovog rada, a ona je dobiti odgovor na to kakva je percepcija provokativnog reklamiranja u dizajnu reklama i da li je ono uspješno u pridobivanju pažnje i koji su rizici kada se koristi takvo reklamiranje. Da li je trend postao samo šokirati, provocirati ili reklama koja koristi provokativnu fotografiju, tekst ili pak animaciju u sebi nosi pomno smislenu poruku? Poruku koja će nas približiti brendu koji se reklamira i kojemu ćemo vjerovati odnosno poruke koje će imati semantičku i retoričku vrijednost. Istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovom radu pokazalo je da je provokativno reklamiranje pozitivno percipirano od strane publike, te da poruke koje prenose nisu toliko provokativne kao što su nekada bile. Reklame koje koriste ovakvu metodu reklamiranja zanimljivije su od standardnih reklama, a osnovna im je funkcija privući publiku i istaknuti se pred konkurencijom. Iznimka tome je Benetton sa svojom reklamnom kampanjom unhate koja reklamira (skreće pažnju na ) aktualne vjerske, političke i druge teme i probleme.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Pibernik, Jesenka
Defence date: 2 March 2012
Abstract in english: In today's society people are everyday surrounded by tousends different advertisement and the same number of advertisments methods. It is impossible for public to notice and remember all of them. That is the reason why the advertiser move the limits higher to brake trough advertisement clluter and to be noticed. Comunication market manipulate with observer using different type of advertisment massages whose in some cases goes over the border of what is considered acseptable and that is the reason why the advertising is percipiated as provocative and unaproporiate. Thad lead us to the purpose of this study which is to get the answer to the question of how is an perception of provocative advertising in advertisment design and is it sucsesufull in gaining observers atencion, and also what are the riscs of using provocative advertising. Is it become a trend only to shock and provoce or an advertisement that use provocative photo, text or animation have an meaningful message? Message that got a purpose to bring us closer to the advertising brand and to who we will trust, messages whose will have semantic and rhetorical value. Research which is conducted in this study is shown us that provocative advertising is positively perceived by the public and that messages that they transfer are not provocative as they were before. Advertisement that using this advertising method are more interesting than standard advertisement, and they basic function is to attract observer and underline them self’s before competition. Exception is Benetton who with their advertising campaign unhate promote actual religion, political and many others subjects and problems.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Provokativno reklamiranje, Semantika reklamne poruke,, Retorika reklamne poruke, Manipulacija, Benetton
Keywords in english: Provocative advertising, Semantic of the advertise message, Rhetoric of the advertise message, Manipulation, Benetton
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 66
Callnumber: pib 2012 man
Inventory number: DB80
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:45
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2014 09:27

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