Lovrin, Maša (2012) Usporedba osjetljivosti filma i CCD senzora. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Strgar Kurečić, Maja].
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Tehnička kvaliteta fotografije izravno ovisi o ispravnoj ekspoziciji. Jedan od bitnih elemenata koji utječu na ispravnost ekspozicije je ISO osjetljivost. U ovom diplomskom radu biti će opisana osjetljivost filma i CCD senzora na svjetlo. Visoka osjetljivost na svjetlo (ISO osjetljivost) upotrebljava se pri slabim svjetlosnim uvjetima te za snimanje motiva u pokretu. Osjetljivost filma određena je samim karakteristikama fotomaterijala, dok se veća osjetljivost senzora postiže pojačavanjem signala pristiglog na senzor u ovisnosti o postavljenoj ISO vrijednosti. Poznato je da povećanje osjetljivosti rezultira slabijom kvalitetom fotografije radi pojave zrna/šuma, te se uvijek preporuča koristiti najmanju moguću ISO vrijednost s obzirom na svjetlosne uvjete. Upravo zato je cilj ovog rada ispitati je li zrnatost koja se javlja pri većoj osjetljivosti u analognoj fotografiji prihvatljivija nego što je to pojava šuma u digitalnoj fotografiji. Biti će opisan princip rada analognog fotoaparata i vrste filmova koje će se koristiti u radu, kao i princip rada digitalnog fotoaparata i vrste senzora koji se nalaze u takvim fotoaparatima. Istraživanje se će provesti uz pomoć digitalnog fotoaparata koji ima CCD senzor pa će on biti podrobnije opisan. Također će biti objašnjeni načini uklanjanja negativnih pojava koje nastaju pri većoj osjetljivosti, ali i primjeri gdje takve pojave mogu pridonijeti umjetničkom ugođaju.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Strgar Kurečić, Maja |
Defence date: | 12 July 2012 |
Abstract in english: | Technical quality in photography directly depends on the correct exposure. One of the most important elements that affect the accuracy of exposure is the ISO sensitivity. Film sensitivity, as well as sensitivity of a CCD sensor will be described in this research. The high light sensitivity (ISO setting) is used in low light conditions and to capture moving subjects. The sensitivity of the film is determined by the characteristics of the photo material, while the higher sensitivity of the sensor is achieved by boosting the signal on the sensor depending on the set ISO values. It is known that an increase in sensitivity results in lower quality images because of grain / noise that appear on the photo, and is always recommended to use the lowest possible ISO value depending on lighting conditions. That is why the aim of this study is to examine whether the granularity that occurs at a higher sensitivity in the analog photography is more acceptable than the appearance of noise in digital photography. The principle of analogue cameras and film types that are going to be used in the work, as well as the principle of a digital camera and sensor types that are found in such cameras will be described in this work. Digital camera with a CCD sensor will be used in this research, so the emphasis will be on this type of camera. The ways of removing the negative phenomena that occur at a higher sensitivity are going to be explained, but examples where such phenomena can contribute to the artistic atmosphere will also be shown. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ISO osjetljivost, film, CCD senzor, zrnatost, šum |
Keywords in english: | ISO sensitivitiy, film, CCD sensor, film grain/granularity, noise |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 62 |
Callnumber: | str 2012 lov |
Inventory number: | DB120 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:46 |
Last Modified: | 25 Apr 2014 10:30 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1341 |
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