Stop-motion fotografija

Kuzmić, Ana (2012) Stop-motion fotografija. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Strgar Kurečić, Maja].


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Fotografiranje određenih scena u filmu te kompletne animacije načinjene od fotografija, tradicionalna su tehnika kojom su se filmaši počeli baviti već početkom 20. stoljeća. Često su se u filmovima koristili tom tehnikom za stvaranje specijalnih efekta kao npr. u filmu Star Wars. Tim načinom su neživim predmetima dali život i karakter kroz niz spojenih fotografija. Sistem stvaranja takvog filma je taj da se fotografira scena i objekt, zatim se vrše male izmjene na objektu ili u sceni te se opet okine fotografija izmijenjene scene. Kad se takve fotografije spoje u nekom programu, stvara se iluzija fluidnih pokreta i dobiva se dojam da se promjene u sceni dešavaju same od sebe. Službeni naziv takve tehnike je stop animacija. Teorijski dio rada će ukratko opisati povijest i uvesti čitatelja u same početke i bit stvaranja stop animacije. Osim povijesti opisat će se sama tehnika stvaranja takve animacije te oprema potrebna za njeno stvaranje. Eksperimentalni dio sastoji se od stvaranja vlastitih kratkih stop animacija. Pomoću tih primjera opisat će se problemi koji su se javljali prilikom fotografiranja te moguća rješenja tih problema. Tehnika stop animacije nije zaboravljena. Danas se sve češće koristi kao tehnika za snimanje muzičkih spotova, filmova i dječjih serija.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Strgar Kurečić, Maja
Defence date: 27 September 2012
Abstract in english: Photographing certain scenes for the film and animations completely made of the photographs is traditional technique that filmmakers have begun to engage in the early 20th century. Technique was often used in films for creating special effects like in the movie Star Wars. This method is based on giving life to objects and characters through a series of connected images. Principle of creating such animation is to photograph scene and object, then making small changes on the object or in the scene and then photographing the altered scene. When these images are merged together in a program, it creates the illusion of motion and people get the impression that the changes occurring in the scene are happening by themselves. The official name of such technique is stop-motion photography. Theoretical part of the paper will briefly describe the history of stop-motion and introduce the reader to different types of stop-motion animation. Besides history, the technique and equipment necessary for creating such animation will be described. Experimental part will consist of explaining how stop-motion animation was made. This self made animation will be used as an example for good things and problems that have occurred during the shooting and possible solutions will be described. Stop animation technique is not forgotten. Today the use of stop-motion photography is increasing in areas like music videos, film, animation and children shows.
Uncontrolled Keywords: stop-motion, fotografija, animacija
Keywords in english: stop-motion, photography, animation
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 44
Callnumber: str 2012 kuz
Inventory number: DB196
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2013 21:47
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2014 10:32

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