Jamnicki, Sonja (2011) Evaluacija prikladnosti različitih klasa recikliranih papira za izradu zdravstveno ispravne prehrambene ambalaže. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Lozo, Branka].
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Svrha istraživanja bila je evaluacija zdravstvene ispravnosti razli�itih vrsta recikliranih papira i kartona s ciljem identifikacije kontaminanata prisutnih u pojedinim klasama papira i kartona koji mogu migrirati u hranu i time potencijalno ugroziti zdravlje potroša�a. Analize zdravstvene ispravnosti provedene su na odabranim klasama recikliranih papira i kartona koji su bili proizvedeni, bilo industrijski, bilo u laboratorijskim uvjetima, iz sirovina koje se prema vrsti, kvaliteti i porijeklu vlakanaca mogu svrstati u 4 najvažnija razreda starog papira i kartona sukladno postoje�oj Europskoj listi standardnih klasa starog papira EN 643:2001. Ve�inu odabranih uzoraka �inili su papiri i kartoni proizvedeni recikliranjem sekundarne vlaknate sirovine postupcima koji nisu uklju�ivali primjenu kemijske deinking flotacije. Iz tog su razloga navedeni uzorci biti podvrgnuti dodatnom "odbojavanju" metodom kemijske deinking flotacije, kako bi se utvrdilo eventualno smanjenje kemijskih kontaminanata u sastavu sekundarnih vlakanaca nakon njihove obrade deinking flotacijom. Cilj istraživanja bila je provjera u�inkovitosti razli�itih postupaka recikliranja na smanjenje kemijskih kontaminanata iz definiranih klasa starog papira. Analize zdravstvene ispravnosti uklju�ivale su odre�ivanje koncentracije teških metala (Cd, Pb, Hg), pentaklorofenola (PCP) i formaldehida, aromatskih amina, diisopropilnaftalena (DIPN), ukupnih ftalata te polikloriranih bifenila (PCB) iz vodenog ili organskog ekstrakta papira ili kartona. Provedene su analize migracije koloranata te fluorescentnih opti�kih bjelila iz ispitivanih uzoraka papira u modelne otopine hrane. Provedena su i mikrobiološka ispitivanja s ciljem detekcije prijelaza antimikrobnih tvari iz papira ili kartona. Istraživanje je dokazalo da su u sme�im klasama papira i kartona naj�eš�e prisutni kontaminanti upravo diizopropilnaftaleni i ftalati. Deinking flotacija provedena na sme�oj klasi papira i kartona imala je pozitivan u�inak na smanjenje kemijskih kontaminanata iz vlaknate suspenzije. U ovoj se doktorskoj disertaciji po prvi put sustavno istražuju svi najvažniji �imbenici koji imaju utjecaj na zdravstvenu ispravnost papirnih i kartonskih materijala proizvedenih iz recikliranih vlakanaca. U radu je detaljno prikazana aktualna europska legislativa koja se odnosi na papirne i kartonske materijale namijenjene kontaktu s hranom. Disertacijom se tako�er ukazalo na neusuglašenost koja je prisutna unutar postoje�e europske legislative.
Item Type: | Dissertation (PhD) thesis |
Mentor name: | Lozo, Branka |
Thesis Committee: | Babić, Darko and Lozo, Branka and Gregor Svetec, Diana and Barbarić, Željka and Muck, Tadeja |
Defence date: | 27 April 2011 |
Abstract in english: | Safety evaluation of various recovered paper grades was conducted in order to identify the contaminants that are present in certain classes of recycled paper and board which have an ability to migrate into food and thus potentially endanger the consumers’ health. Food contact analyses were conducted on selected classes of recycled paper and board that were produced either industrially or in laboratory conditions. The paper and board samples were produced from furnishes that can be classified, according to the type, quality and the origin of the fibers, into 4 main recovered paper and board grades in accordance with existing European List of Standard Grades of Recovered Paper and Board EN 643:2001. Most of the selected paper and board samples were produced by recycling processes that didn't include the application of the chemical deinking flotation. For this reason, these samples were subjected to additional deinking processes in order to evaluate the possible decrease in the amount of chemical contaminants in the composition of the pulp after chemical deinking flotation had been conducted. The aim of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the different recycling methods in the reduction of the contaminants from the defined paper and board grades. Food contact analyses comprised determination of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg), pentachlorophenol (PCP), formaldehyde, aromatic amines, diisopropylnaphthalenes (DIPN), phthalates and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) from aqueous or organic solvent extracts of paper and board. The fastness of the fluorescent whitening agents and the colorants was determined as well. In addition, microbiological tests were performed in order to determine the possible transfer of antimicrobial constituents. The research has proven that the most common contaminants that are present in the brown paper grades are diisopropylnaphthalenes and phthalates. The conducted deinking flotation on selected brown paper grades had a positive impact on the reduction of chemical contaminants from the fiber suspension. This dissertation is one of the first studies in which the most significant factors that influence the safety of recycled paper and board food contact materials have been systematically discussed. Moreover, the current European legislation on paper and board materials and articles intended to come into contact with foods is presented with an emphasis on the nonuniformity that is still present within the existing European legislation. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Prehrambena ambalaža, zdravstvena ispravnost, reciklirani papir i karton, klase starog papira i kartona, kontaminanti, migracija, redukcija kontaminanata |
Keywords in english: | Food packaging, health safety, recycled paper and board, recovered paper and board grades, contaminants, migration, reduction of contaminants |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 190 |
Callnumber: | 676.038 jam d |
Inventory number: | 8984 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:47 |
Last Modified: | 02 Jun 2014 13:46 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1435 |
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