Repar, Dragutin (2006) Tijek grafičkih radnih procesa baziranih na JDF specifikaciji uz implementaciju Job-ticketa i ICS sustava sa posebnim osvrtom na pripremne faze. Master's thesis - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Agić, Darko].
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Integracija JDF datoteka, baziranih na XML tehnologiji, sukladno CIP4 standardima omogućili su nam u potpunosti kontroliranu i brzu izradu grafičkog proizvoda u koju su uključeni svi potrebni parametri poznati ukupnoj grafičkoj tehnologiji sa poveznicama prema poslovnom upravljanju. Može se reći, da su tu po prvi puta obostranim vezama povezani ukupni procesi od idejnog rješenja, izrade grafičkog proizvoda, poslovodstva, uprave, skladišta i ekspedita. Zahvaljujući integraciji XML tehnologije moguće je povezivati raznorodne datoteke i ujedno ih istovremeno i transparentno obrađivati. Obzirom na današnji način povezivanja uređaja u slijedni tijek produkcije (workflow) koji uključuje sve relevantne parametre reprodukcijskog procesa definirane na početku procesa, cilj istraživanja je dokazati postojanje povezanosti između otisaka dobivenih CMYK bojilima u konvencionalnim tiskarskim tehnikama sa digitalnim tiskarskim sustavom. Slijedeći cilj istraživanja je omogućiti transparentno povezivanje uređaja koji u svojim tehnološkim mogućnostima nisu osposobljeni za prihvat JDF datoteka. To je doprinos boljem razumijevanju mogućnosti realizacije u različitim tehnikama tiska, te na temelju toga izrada strategije unapređivanja i standardizacije otiskivanja izvedenih grafičkim tehnikama, kao i transferi među različitim sustavima, uz pretpostavku da relevantne veličine ne budu promijenjene. Ovo bi istraživanje trebalo biti doprinos utvrđivanju i jasnijem razumjevanju danas već postavljenih zahtjeva standarda (CIP.4 – ISO).
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Agić, Darko |
Thesis Committee: | Žiljak, Vilko and Agić, Darko and Sruk, Vlado and Pap, Klaudio and Dušak, Vesna |
Defence date: | 2006 |
Abstract in english: | Integration of JDF databases based on XML technology in compliance with the CIP4 standards, made a fully controlled and speedy creation of a graphic product possible, comprising all the requisite parameters that are known to overall graphic technology with links towards business management. One could say that here it is for the first time that overall processes have been connected by mutual links, from the conceptual design, graphic product creation, management, administration, storage and dispatching. Thanks to XML technology integration, it is possible to link different databases and to process them transparently at the same time. In view of presently applied mode of linking devices into sequential workflow including all the relevant parameters of a reproduction process as defined at the start of the process, the aim of the investigation is to prove the existence of a connection between the prints obtained by CMYK colours in conventional printing techniques with the digital printing system. The next investigation target is to enable transparent linking of devices that, by their technological capabilities, have not been prepared to accept JDF databases. This is a contribution to a better understanding of realization possibilities in different printing techniques and on this basis to create a strategy of upgrading and standardization of printings made by graphical techniques as well as transfers between different systems, presuming the relevant values are not changed. This investigation should contribute to determination and more distinct understanding of presently set standard requirements (CIP.4 – ISO). |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | digitalni tisak, Workflow, CIP 4, PDF, JDF, ixJED, Job- ticket |
Keywords in english: | digital printing, workflow, CIP 4, PDF, JDF, ixJED, job-ticket |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 95 |
Callnumber: | 655:005 rep t |
Inventory number: | 8099 |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Nov 2013 21:47 |
Last Modified: | 14 May 2014 09:44 |
URI: | |
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