Parametri formiranja tiskovnih elemenata fotopolimerne tiskovne forme

Baškarad, Juraj (2013) Parametri formiranja tiskovnih elemenata fotopolimerne tiskovne forme. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Mahović Poljaček, Sanja].


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Polazna točka ovog rada su neizraĎene fotopolimerne CtP tiskovne forme za fleksotisak. Fotopolimerne tiskovne forme su predoslojene LAMS (eng. Laser Ablation Mask) slojem koji ima ulogu predloška kod osvjetljavanja. Nakon straţnje ekspozicije, LAMS sloj se uklanja laserskom ablacijom samo na mjestima na kojima fotopolimerna tiskovna forma treba biti osvijetljena. Motiv generiran laserskom ablacijom je kontrolni klin s poljima različitih pokrivenosti tiskovnim elementima. Pomoću laserske ablacije LAMS sloja definira se i linijatura tiskovne forme koja je ključna za eksperimentalni dio. Ostali koraci izrade fotopolimerne tiskovne forme za fleksotisak provode se po standardiziranim uvjetima. U radu će se izraĎene tiskovne forme, na kojima će se provoditi mjerenja, dovesti u korelaciju s površinom koja se otvara na LAMS sloju za pojedinu rastertonsku vrijednost te oblikom tiskovnog elementa. Teorijski dio rada detaljnije objašnjava digitalni postupak izrade fotopolimernih tiskovnih formi za fleksotisak te karakteristike materijala potrebnih za taj postupak. TakoĎer se objašnjava i teorijska podloga eksperimentalnog dijela koja zaokruţuje shvaćanje cjelokupnog postupka i cilj istraţivanja koje se provodi u ovom radu. Istraţivanjem se došlo do zaključka da se primjenom viših stupnjeva bump up krivulja kod izrade tiskovnih formi za fleksotisak pravilno formiraju tiskovni elementi na niskim rastertonskim područjima.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mahović Poljaček, Sanja
Defence date: 24 September 2013
Abstract in english: Starting point of this theses are unfinished photopolymer CtP printing forms for flexo printing. Photopolymer printing forms are pre-layered with LAMS (Laser Ablation Mask) layer which has the role of a mask in the process of exposure. Upon pre-exposure, LAMS layer is removed by laser ablation only at the points where photopolymer printing form needs to be exposed. The motif generated by laser ablation is the control target containing fields of differing halftone values. Using the laser ablation of the LAMS layer, the liniature of the printing form, which is crucial for the experimental faze, is also defined. Remaining steps to develop the photopolymer printing forms are implemented according to standard conditions. In this thesis, the printing forms upon which the measuring is undertaken are brought to correlation with the opened surface of the LAMS layer for specific halftone value as well as with the shape of the printing element itself. The theoretic part of this thesis offers a detailed explanation of the procedure of development of the photopolymer printing forms for flexo printing as well as the characteristics of the materials needed for this procedure. Theoretical background for the experimental part is also explained and this completes the notion of the whole procedure as well as the goal of the research conducted in this theses. Research has brought forth the conclusion that using higher degrees of bump up curves in development of printing forms for flexo printing, the printing elements on the lower halftone values are formed more regularly.
Uncontrolled Keywords: fleksotisak, tiskovni element, LAMS, raster, tiskovna forma
Keywords in english: flexo printing, printing element, LAMS, raster, printing form
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakutet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 64
Callnumber: mah 2013 baš
Inventory number: DB280
Depositing User: Dora Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2014 08:02
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2014 08:02

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