Šiljeg, Jelena (2013) Utjecaj ambalaže na čovjeka. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Babić, Darko].
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Dok je prije samo štitila proizvod, danas ambalaţa ima cilj izazvati emocije kod kupca i komunicirati s njim. Ona ga treba privući, ostaviti dobar dojam, pobijediti kupca u njegovoj odluci da kupi odreĊeni proizvod. Razvojem tehnologija i materijala postavlja se pitanje koliko materijali i postupci kojima se ambalaţa izraĊuje mogu utjecati na zdravlje ĉovjeka. Povećanjem proizvodnje ambalaţe dolazi do problema nastanka velikih koliĉina otpada, velike potrošnje energije te problema zbrinjavanja i recikliranja. Svojom prisutnošću u svim segmentima modernog ţivota ambalaţa postaje problem za okoliš. U radu je opisan utjecaj koji ambalaţa ostavlja na kupca, utjecaj na ĉovjekovo zdravlje i utjecaj na okoliš. Napravljeno je anketno istraţivanje da bi se uvidjelo mišljenje korisnika o prednostima i nedostatcima ambalaţe. Pitanja su koncipirana tako da saznamo koje su navike kupaca pri kupnji i odabiru proizvoda, koliki utjecaj ambalaţa ostavlja na njih, kako je koriste, bacaju li je nakon korištenja ili je višekratno koriste, te mogu li ambalaţni materijali negativno utjecati na zdravlje. Postavljena pitanja dovela su do zakljuĉka o stavu kupaca i potrošaĉa prema ambalaţi i njenim utjecajima na njih. Iako je ambalaţa potpuno zanemarena u svijesti potrošaĉa, ona je dodirna toĉka izmeĊu proizvoĊaĉa i korisnika i vrlo je bitna za proizvode široke potrošnje. Ambalaţa koja se danas proizvodi ima zadatak zadovoljiti sve potrebe potrošaĉa i ne smije imati negativan utjecaj na njega.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Babić, Darko |
Defence date: | 12 July 2013 |
Abstract in english: | While its only purpose in the past was to protect the product, today's packaging is supposed to evoke emotions and communicate with the customer; to attract, to leave a good impression, to help the customer in his decision whether to buy a certain product or not. The development of technologies and materials has raised the question to what extent the health of human beings can be affected by the materials and processes used in the packaging production. The rise in the production of packaging leads to the problem of large quantities of waste, high energy consumption and the problem of disposal and recycling. Its presence in all segments of modern life has made packaging an environmental problem. This paper describes the influence of packaging on the customer, its impact on human health and the environment. A survey was carried out to examine the attitudes of users on the pros and cons of packaging. The questions were conceived so as to find out about the habits of customers when buying and choosing products. How does the packaging affect them, how do they use it, do they throw it away after usage or use it several times, and can the packaging materials have a negative health impact. The questions led to a conclusion on the attitude of customers and consumers towards packaging and its influence on us. Despite the fact that the packaging is completely ignored in the mind of the consumer, it is the contact point between the manufacturer and the user, and very important for consumer products. The packaging produced today has the task to meet all the needs of the consumer while not influencing him negatively. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | utjecaj, ambalaţa, kupac, interakcija, okoliš |
Keywords in english: | impact, packaging, customer, interaction, environment |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 102 |
Callnumber: | bab 2013 šilj |
Inventory number: | DB240 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 16 Apr 2014 10:42 |
Last Modified: | 16 Apr 2014 10:42 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1570 |
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