Fotografija ljudskog lika

Svaguša, Ines (2013) Fotografija ljudskog lika. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].

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U ovome se radu analiziraju pristupi fotografiji ljudskog lika. Prikazuju se i analiziraju pravila fotografske kompozicije (kadar,perspektiva,optička ravnoteža, područje interesa,linije, tonovi i boja) te primjena tih pravila u području fotografije ljudskog lika. Također se razrađuju osnovne podjele portreta (formalni portret, neformalni portret, klasičan i ambijentalan). Portreti se dijele na muški i ženski. U području fotografije koja se bavi muškim portretima želi se postići markantnost dok u području ženskog portreta želi naglasiti mekoća kože i nježnost. Analizira se i pristup fotografskom šminkanju. U svakome području portreta bitne su postavke aparata (osjetljivost, otvor objektiva,vrijeme eksponiranja) i svjetlosni uvjeti (kontrolirani i u prirodi). Nakon podjela portreta obrađuju se područja fotografije u kojima se kao glavni motiv pojavljuje čovjek (sportska fotografija, modna fotografija, reportažna fotografija i umjetnička fotografija). Također se analizira primjena s tehničke kreativne strane, primjena fotografije ljudskog lika u grafičkim medijima. Uz kreativnu analizu fotografije ljudskog lika daju se ciljano autorske fotografije te minimalni tehnički zahtjevi za određene medije kao što su novine, časopisi, web stranice i društvene mreže.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Defence date: 28 February 2013
Abstract in english: This paper analyzes the approach to human figure in photography. It displays and analyzes photography composition rules (framing, perspective, optical balance, centre of interest, lines, shades and colors), as well as the application of these rules in human figure photography. The paper also deals with basic types of portrait in photography (formal, informal, classic and ambient portraits). There are male and female portraits. Male portraits usually seek to stress imposing appearance, whereas female portraits try to emphasise skin softness and delicacy. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the role of make-up in photography. Camera settings (sensitivity, aperture, exposure time) and lighting (controlled or natural lighting) are also very important when it comes to portraits. After portraits classification, the paper elaborates on various fields of photography in which human figure is the central motif (sports photography, fashion photography, report photography, fine art photography). It also analyzes the use of human figure photography in graphic media from technical and creative point of view. The analysis is accompanied by human figure photography examples and explanations of minimal technical requirements for certain types of media, like newspapers, magazines, web-sites and social networks.
Uncontrolled Keywords: kompozicija, portret, svjetlo, retuširanje, mediji
Keywords in english: composition, portrait, lighting, photo retouching, media
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakutet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 69
Callnumber: mik 2013 sva
Inventory number: DB229
Depositing User: Dora Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2014 12:21
Last Modified: 16 Apr 2014 12:21

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