Udženija, Mario (2013) Vizualno oblikovanje i mediji-problem društvene odgovornosti. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Plenković, Mario].
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Mediji tvore složenu okolinu kojoj pripadaju tehnologija, društvo i kultura. Procesi medijatizacije i razvoj društvenih mreža utječu na promjene društva i kulture i promjenu oblika komunikativnog djelovanja. Zbog zabrinjavajućeg pogoršanja uvjeta za život u društvenom i prirodnom okruženju, među ostalim i ekonomski nepovoljnih trendova razvoja na našem planetu, od grafičkih dizajnera traži se da preuzmu dio odgovornosti koju dijele sve znanosti i humanističke discipline u ostvarivanju projekata održivog razvoja i očuvanja prirode, kulture i života na Zemlji. Zahtjev za definiranjem vizualnog djelovanja koje ne podilazi marketinškim strategijama postavljen je da bismo u konačnici pridonijeli pluralizmu i bogatstvu znanja i vještina unutar struke. Komplementarnim korištenjem kvantitativne i kvalitativne metodologije pokušali smo ukazati na potrebu za širim i sustavnije shvaćenim problemom društvene odgovornosti u grafičkom dizajnu. Potrebno je artikulirati otpor prema strukturama koje funkcioniraju na logici profita. Vizualno oblikovanje nikada nije ostvarivanje neke istine, nego društvena, aktivna participacija. To ne znači samo proizvođenje djela naglašene aktivističke, političke ili didaktičke sadržine. Ali znači grafičkog dizajnera i svaku drugu osobu koja u prikazivanju stvarnosti barata nužnim razumjevanjem stvarnosti društvenih odnosa.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Plenković, Mario |
Defence date: | 27 February 2013 |
Abstract in english: | Media forms a complex environment which consists of technology, society and culture. The process of mediatisation and social network development influence changes in society and culture and also in forms of communicative action. Because of the worrying degradation of life conditions in present social and natural surroundings and the troublesome downward economical trend, graphic designers must take a share in responsibility divided amongst all the sciences and humanities and try their best in realizing projects pertaining to sustainable development and conservation and further development od nature, culture and life on Earth. It is demanded to define some form of visual action that is not burdened by pressure of marketing strategies so we could eventually contribute to pluralism and abundance of knowledge and skill in the field of graphic design. It is necessary to articulate some kind of resistance to structures which are governed by the logic of profit. Visual configuration is not the accomplishment of truth, on the contrary, it is a social and active participation. Also, that does not mean its sole purpose is to configure a piece with emphasized activistic, political or didactic content – but indeed – that means there must exist a graphic designer (or any other person) who, representing the real world, does operate with necessary comprehension of reality and its social relationships. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | medij, vizualne komunikacije, društvene mreže, društvena odgovornost |
Keywords in english: | media, visual communications, social networks, social responsibility |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 40 |
Callnumber: | ple 2013 udže |
Inventory number: | DB213 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 17 Apr 2014 10:01 |
Last Modified: | 17 Apr 2014 10:01 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1614 |
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