Drvar, Ivana (2012) Podvodna fotografija. Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].
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Podvodna fotografija predstavlja posebno složeno i izazovno područje fotografije. U tehničkom smislu, podvodna fotografija podrazumijeva specifičan pristup, posebno u fazi snimanja. Podvodni ambijent nije prirodna čovjekova okolina, stoga je važno da fotograf odredi uvjete, mjere i načine na koje će sve snimati podvodnu fotografiju. Kako bi se dobilo što kvalitetniju podvodnu fotografiju, fotograf mora s lakoćom provoditi balansiranje pod vodom pri različitim dubinama i situacijama te dobro poznavati nadoknade svjetlosti pomoću umjetnog svjetla. U ovom su diplomskom radu prikazane i analizirane tehnike snimanja pod vodom kao što su širokokutna, close-up, podvodna fotografija noću i makro tehnika. Zbog veće gustoće vode od zraka i loma svjetlosti u vodi, objekt se čini većim i bližim za 1/3. U podvodnom snimanju se koristi odgovarajuća oprema i aparati kao što su kompaktni digitalni aparati, SLR i dSLR te dodaci koji se koriste prilikom snimanja. Jedan od najosnovnijih dodataka je bljeskalica koja se koristi kod različitih dubina u vodi. To umjetno osvjetljavanje najčešće je potrebno za kvalitetnu podvodnu fotografiju s obzirom da prirodnog svjetla ima samo na malim dubinama. Tijekom snimanja podvodni fotograf susreće se s nizom problema, odnosno zahtjevima koji se predstavljaju pred ovo područje u podvodnoj fotografiji.
Item Type: | Diploma work - Pre-Bologna programme |
Mentor name: | Mikota, Miroslav |
Defence date: | 6 December 2012 |
Abstract in english: | Underwater photography is a particulary complex and challenging of photography. In technical terms, pictures of underwater photography implies a specific approach, particularly in the recording stage. Underwater ambience is not a natural human environment, therefore it is important that photographer sets condition, standards and methods of taking of underwater photography. In order to get an underwater photography of the best quality, the photographer must easily maintain a balance under various depths and situations and have a good knowledge of intensified light aided by artificial light. This degree report presents and analyses various underwater photography techniques, namely wide-angled, close-up, underwater photography by night and macro tehnique. Due to the higher density of water compared to air and refraction of light under water, the object seems bigger and close by 1/3. In underwater photographic session adequate equipment and instruments are used, namely compact digital cameras, SLR, dSLR and additional equipment used during session. Flash light is one of basic parts of additional equipment and it is used under water at various depth. This artificial illumination is frequently needed to get a quality underwater photography since there is genuine light only on a few meters depth. During the underwater photography session the underwater photographer meets a range of problems or demands that are facing this area of underwater photography. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | podvodna fotografija, oprema za podvodnu fotografiju, tehnike snimanja |
Keywords in english: | underwater photography, underwater photography equipment and added parts of equipment, photographic session techniques |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 70 |
Callnumber: | mik 2012 drv |
Inventory number: | D1002 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 23 Apr 2014 13:33 |
Last Modified: | 23 Apr 2014 13:33 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1810 |
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