Rajević, Ivana (2012) Grafički dizajn u promociji turizma Šibensko-Kninske županije. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Plenković, Mario].
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Diplomski rad se bavi problematikom turističke promocije, komunikacijskim strategijama i planovima u turizmu koje metodološki nastoje putem identiteta određene zemlje, regije, grada, definirati imidž navedenog područja. Dano područje istraživanja je Šibensko-kninska županija. Definirajući identitet, imidž, brend regije te imajući u vidu temeljne trendove u turizmu, tržišna kretanja, načine promoviranja i komuniciranja regije, u diplomskom radu je izrađena SWOT analiza turističke promocije Šibensko-kninske županije koja prikazuje glavne nedostatke i prednosti turističke promidžbe. Smatrajući da se radi o području sa golemim potencijalom, diplomskim radom se nastojalo potencijal pretvoriti u proizvode, usluge, komunikacijske strategije, planove te svekoliku turističku ponudu. Imati komunikacijsku strategiju upravljanjem imidžem znači točno znati koje talente, kvalitete ili prednosti posjedujemo te kako ih iskoristiti i pokazati svijetu. A da bi se neka destinacija (turistička) učinkovito mogla natjecati s drugima treba po nečemu biti prepoznatljiva – po vrijednostima, ljudima, proizvodima, prirodnim potencijalima, ambicijama, kulturi, povijesti ili pak kombinaciji svega navedenoga. Pritom te prednosti treba znati posložiti u jedinstvenu, istinsku, karakterističnu i atraktivnu cjelinu, kako bi se pretvorile u moćan alat vlastite promocije i uspjeha. Koncept marke ili brenda donedavno se odnosio uglavnom na proizvode i tvrtke. Međutim, na globaliziranom tržištu sve se više država nastoji pozicionirati kao brend, strateški upravljajući svojim identitetom i imidžem, kako bi privukli turiste i ulagače, osigurali bolju poziciju svojim proizvodima na inozemnim tržištima te se bolje pozicionirali u međunarodnim političkim odnosima. Mnogobrojna istraživanja pokazuju kako imidž države igra sve značajniju ulogu u međunarodnim političkim i gospodarskim odnosima. Sukladno tomu, očito je da države i nacije moraju postati svjesne svoga zahtjevnog okruženja te jasno definirati tko su i što žele, što mogu ponuditi svijetu, zbog čega bi nekome bile važne i zašto bi ih se poštivalo. Moraju pronaći način na koji će privući pozornost drugih i ponuditi im priču o sebi te tako među njima stvoriti poklonike, kupce, lobiste, prijatelje.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Plenković, Mario |
Defence date: | 12 September 2012 |
Abstract in english: | Thesis deals with issues of tourism promotion, communication strategies and plans in the tourism industry, which tend to define the image of given area methodological through identity of the country, region, city. Given area of research is the Sibenik-Knin County. Defining identity, image, region brand, and bearing in mind the underlying trends in the tourism industry, market trends, ways to promote and communicate SWOT analysis of tourism promotion of the county was made containing the main advantages and disadvantages of tourist promotion. Considering that this is an area with enormous potential, thesis was an attempt to turn the potential into products, services, communication strategies, plans, and overall tourist offer. Having a communications strategy for managing image means to know exactly which talents, qualities and strengths we have and how to use them and show them to the world. And to some destinations (tourist) could effectively compete with others it should be recognized by something - by values, people, products, natural resources, ambitions, culture, history, or a combination of all the above. These benefits needs to be sorted in unique, authentic, distinctive and attractive unite, and to be turned into a powerful tool for their own promotion and success. The concept of brand recently referred mainly to products and companies. However, more and more states are trying to position themselves as a brand, on global market, strategically managing their identity and image in order to attract tourists and investors, securing a better position of their products in foreign markets and better positioning themselves in the international political relations. Numerous studies show that the image of the country is playing an increasingly important role in international political and economic relations. Accordingly, it is obvious that the state and the nation must become aware of their demanding environments and clearly define who they are and what they want, what they can offer to the world, why would someone see them important and why they should be respected. They must find a way that will attract the attention of others and offer them a story about themselves and so attract fans, customers, lobbyists and friends. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | turistička promocija, identitet, imidž, brend, Šibensko-Kninska županija |
Keywords in english: | tourism promotion, identity, image, brand, the Sibenik-Knin County |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakutet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 46 |
Callnumber: | ple 2012 raj |
Inventory number: | DB133 |
Depositing User: | Dora Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 25 Apr 2014 09:34 |
Last Modified: | 25 Apr 2014 09:34 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1832 |
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