Kulturološki prikaz boja

Martinović, Martina (2012) Kulturološki prikaz boja. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakutet. [Mentor: Knešaurek, Nina].

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Boje predstavljaju moždanu interpretaciju svega oko nas, one su proizvod svjetla i vida. Osim što predstavljaju prirodni,psihofizički fenomen, također predstavljaju složenu kulturološku konstrukciju. Dio su svakidašnjeg svijeta, njima možemo iskazati emocije, imaju bitnu ulogu u označivanju, razlikovanju. U svim kulturama boje su povezane s temeljnim simboličkim sustavima. Značenja koja pripisujemo pojedinim bojama drugačija su, te promjenjiva kroz različita vremenska i kulturološka razdoblja. Još od najranijh razdoblja boje su sastavni dio seoske kulture Hrvata, točnije folklornog tekstila. Igraju bitnu ulogu u bojenju tekstila, ukrašavanju, statusnom, dobnom rangiranju. Pojedine boje koristile su se za različite prilike, prigode, trenutke, svečanosti. Zastupljenost određene boje ovisila je i o geografskom području Hrvatske.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Knešaurek, Nina
Defence date: 31 January 2012
Abstract in english: The colors represent the brain interpretation of everything around us,they are a product of light and vision.Except that they represent natural,phyisical and mental phenomena,they are also a complex cultural construction.They are part od the everyday world,they can express emotion,have an essential role in the labeling,discernmention.At all cultures,colors are associated with the fundamental symbolic sistems.Meanings that we attribute to some colors are different and a variable through different times and cultural periods.Ever since the earliest periods colors are an integral part od rural culture of the Croats, namely folk textile.They have important role in the textile dyeing,decorating,status,age ranking.Some colors were used for various occasions,moments,ceremony.Representation of a certain color depended on the geographical area of Croatia.
Uncontrolled Keywords: boja, kultura, simbolizam, uloga, folklor
Keywords in english: color, culture, symbolism, role, folklore
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakutet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 41
Callnumber: kne 2012 mar
Inventory number: Z289
Depositing User: Dora Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 28 Apr 2014 07:38
Last Modified: 28 Apr 2014 07:38
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/1858

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