Cvetković, Ivana (2014) Čitljivost 2D kodova na obojenim podlogama. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Lozo, Branka].
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2D kodovi baziraju se na binarnom kodiranju odabranog teksta te se najčešće tiskaju kao crni kod na bijeloj podlozi čime se omogućava maksimalni kontrast tiskanih elemenata i dobra čitljivost koda za njegovo dekodiranje. To je posebno naglašeno s obzirom na konstrukciju kodova kod kojih se zahtjeva mirno područje, neotisni prostor oko koda. Apliciranjem 2D kodova na obojene tiskovne podloge dolazi do smanjenja kontrasta izmeĎu kodnih riječi 2D koda i tiskovne podloga čime moţe biti narušena čitljivost tj. ispravno dekodiranje kodova. U završnom radu se izvršilo otiskivanje odabranih 2D kodova na laserskom, Konica Minolta C550, i ink jet, Epson SX 300 pisaču na 6 različitih industrijski proizvedenih obojenih papira, te se izvršio test čitljivosti 2D kodova programom Quickmark i GretagMacbeth Spectrolino spektrofotometrom.
Item Type: | Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme |
Mentor name: | Lozo, Branka |
Defence date: | 15 September 2014 |
Abstract in english: | 2D codes are based on binary encoding of the selected text, and are usually printed as black code with white background alowing maximum contrast of printed elements and good readabillity for decoding. That is especially accentuated in regard to construction of codes that require a quiet zone, around the code. Applying 2D codes on colored printing substrate causes lower contrast between the 2D code and printing substrate which can comprimise readabillity and proper decoding. In this final thesis printing of QR codes was performed on laser, Konica minolta C550, and ink jet, Epson SX300 printer on 6 different industrially produced colored papers. The readability test was performed with a program QuickMark and with spectrophotometer GretagMacbeth Spectrolino. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | QR kod, obojene tiskovne podloge, čitljivost, Quickmark, spektrofotometar |
Keywords in english: | QR code, colored printing surface, readability, QuickMark, spectrophotometer |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 30 |
Callnumber: | loz 2014 cve |
Inventory number: | Z492 |
Depositing User: | Antonia Grgurović |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 19 Sep 2014 09:43 |
Last Modified: | 19 Sep 2014 09:43 |
URI: | |
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