Gatarić, Ivan (2014) Inovacije u sitotisku. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mrvac, Nikola].
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Ulaskom u 21. stoljeće vidimo nagli porast u razvoju tehnologije. Revolucionarna otkrića i skokovi u znanosti i tehnologiji postavljaju nove standarde u ekonomiji suvremenog kapitalizma i potrebama modernog društva. Posljedice tih skokova se također mogu vidjeti i u grafičkoj industriji. Razvoj grafičkih tehnologija napreduje velikom brzinom. Vidimo nove i inovativne pristupe koji mijenjaju lice grafike i tiska. Novo digitalno doba je okarakterizirano zamjenom klasične metode pristupa industrijske proizvodnje. Fenomen razdoblja digitalnog doba je da kreira društvo koje se temelji na znanju, informacijama i tehnološkom napretku. Posljedično, novo nastala globalna ekonomija, kojom se širi utjecaj nove metode proizvodnog procesa i usluge, omogućava učinkovitu i povoljnu proizvodnju. Unutar komercijaliziranog društva digitalna industrija pruža mogućnost personalizacije proizvoda i usluga. Time se osigurava odluka za transakciju proizvoda i znatno smanjuju troškovi ujedno proizvođača i kupca. Sukladno fenomenu, na tržištu tiska dolaze do izražaja nove, moderne, “user friendly”, digitalne tehnike tiska koje vrše pritisak na, iako možda kvalitetnije, sve manje isplative, tradicionalne tehnike tiska. Digitalne tehnike kod niza proizvoda zamjenjuju tradicionalne, a kod preostalih digitalna tehnologija mijenja i optimizira pojedine faze proizvodnog procesa tiska. Tehnika koja se u najvećoj mjeri odupire digitalizaciji i koja je do sada najmanje promijenjena od svog nastanka je sitotisak. Tok tiska u tehnici sitotiska je dugačak i zahtjeva veliku pažnju stručnih ljudi na svakoj etapi tiskovnog procesa, čime se i posljedično povećava mogućnost greške kod konačnog proizvoda. Osim toga postoji širok niz problema koji prisiljavaju kupce da se priklone suvremenoj digitalnoj tehnologiji. Iako s znatno većim troškovima u odnosu na digitalnu tehnologiju, sitotisak se i dalje primjenjuje, što govori o svestranosti, kvaliteti te posljedično i potrebi za sitotiskom na tržištu. U teoretskom dijelu rada obrazložiti će postepeni razvoj sitotiska, sukladno sa inovacijama tog razdoblja koje su imale značajan utjecaj na cjelokupnu sliku sitotiskarske industrije. Opisat će se povijesni i kulturološki utjecaj, primjena i tok tiska unutar tehnike sitotiska. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada se opravdavaju pretpostavke vezane za smjer kojim se kreće sitotiskarska industrija. Prikazuje se konceptualna inovacija koja se može implementirati tiskarske tehnike sitotiska.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Mrvac, Nikola |
Defence date: | 23 September 2014 |
Abstract in english: | While entering the 21st century we could see an abrupt development in the field of technological advancement. Revolutionary findings and leaps in science and technology present new standards in the economy of modern capitalism and the needs of its society. The aftermath of those leaps can also be felt in the graphics industry. The development of graphics technology is advancing in a quickened pace. Each day we see new and innovative approaches that change the face of graphics and printing technology. New digital age is characterized by shifting away from the classic method of industrial production. The occurring phenomenon in the digital age is a knowledge based society that benefits on information and technological advancement. Consequently, the newly formed global economy, that uses new methods of the development process and service, enables an effective and convenient end production. In a commercialized society, the information industry is able to allow individuals to explore their personalized needs, therefore simplifying the procedure of making decisions for transactions and significantly lowering costs for both the producers and buyers. Following the phenomenon, there is a higher demand on the printing market for new, modern, user friendly, digital techniques of printing that slowly smother older, traditional printing techniques. Even though they might be of higher quality, the old ways are simply cost expensive in comparison. In certain products the digital techniques completely replace the traditional ways, and in others they replace and optimize individual segments of the production process of printing. The screen printing technique has changed the least and resisted the process of digitization. The production line in the screen printing process is a long one and demands a great deal of attention of professional and experienced individuals in every step of the production process. Consequently there is an increased probability of an error in the end product. A nuance of reasons forces the customer towards the usage of more modern digital technology. Even considering the expense in screen printing, it is still widely used, which indicates versatility, quality and the need for screen printing. Theoretical part of the thesis consists of elaborating the developmental process of screen printing. The emphasis is on the innovations that took place within the screen printing technology during certain stages of its historical development. There will be a description of the historical and cultural impact, usage and the printing process of screen printing. The experimental part describes the predictions screen printing industry is heading. The summary of the thesis is to propose a theoretical innovation in that favors the screen printing technology. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | sitotisak, inovacije, digitalno doba, digitalna tehnologija, digitalni tisak |
Keywords in english: | screen-printing, screen printing, innovation, digital age, digital technology, digital printing, shutter |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 61 |
Callnumber: | mrv 2014 gat |
Inventory number: | DB346 |
Depositing User: | Antonia Grgurović |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 25 Sep 2014 07:49 |
Last Modified: | 25 Sep 2014 07:49 |
URI: | |
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