Reklamna fotografija i fotografija ambalaže

Fuček, Ana (2014) Reklamna fotografija i fotografija ambalaže. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].


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Ambalaža je najbitniji čimbenik vizualnog identiteta nekog proizvoda. Njena uloga je zaštita proizvoda, ali i promoviranje i privlačenje kupaca, pa zbog toga ona mora biti kvalitetno i inovativno dizajnirana kako bi uspjela prenijeti željenu poruku. Ona prezentira potrošačima kvalitete i prednosti samog proizvoda nad konkurencijom. Na tržištu postoji sve više novih proizvoda i upravo je ambalaža čimbenik koji velikim dijelom utječe na odabir između dva nepoznata proizvoda. Veoma je bitan izbor materijala i boja od kojih je ambalaža sačinjena, a još je bitnije na adekvatan način prezentirati proizvod kupcu, jer reklama i ambalaža su te koje mogu prodati loš, odnosno uništiti dobar proizvod. Fotografija ima veliku ulogu u prikazu željenih vrijednosti proizvoda i emocija koje sam proizvod izaziva kod potrošača prilikom kupnje. Fotografijom se može prikazati kako će se korisnik osjećati i što će postati konzumirajući proizvod te je ona bitan faktor ambalaže, ali i reklame proizvoda. Reklamni plakati su sveprisutni u današnjem svijetu te se potrebno istaknuti u gomili plakata u čemu je kvalitetno osmišljena i kreativna fotografija ključna za uspjeh.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Defence date: 23 September 2014
Abstract in english: The packaging is the most important part of the visual identity of a product. Its role is to protect the product, but also to promote and attract customers, and therefore it must be of high quality and innovatively designed to be able to deliver the desired message. It shows consumers the quality and advantages of the product over similar competitive products. On the market there are more and more new products every day and the packaging is a huge factor that influences the customer choice between two unknown products. The choice of materials and colors for the packaging itself is very important, and it's even more important to adequately represent the product to the customer as advertising and packaging can sell a bad product or destroy a good one. Photographs play a major role in the presentation of the desired value of a product and the emotions that the product evokes in consumers during its purchase. A photograph can show how the customers will feel while consuming the product and it is an important factor in packaging and advertising the product. Billboards are ubiquitous in today's world and well designed and creative photographs are the key to help companies stand out in the crowd and the key to success.
Uncontrolled Keywords: ambalaža, reklama, fotografija
Keywords in english: packaging, advertising, photography
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 62
Callnumber: mik 2014 fuč
Inventory number: DB333
Depositing User: Antonia Grgurović
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2014 08:14
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2014 08:14

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