Buhin, Josip (2014) Multicolor tisak i njegova postojanost na ubrzano starenje. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Majnarić, Igor].
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Visoku kvalitetu višebojne reprodukcije nemoguće je zamisliti bez upotrebe dodatnih bojila. Prilikom proizvodnje ekskluzivne ambalaže primjenjuju se dodatne PANTONE boje kojima se omogućuje bolja ponovljivost tiska. U grafičkoj industriji trenutno se koriste 1114 PANTONE nijansi dobivenih miješanjem 15 baznih pigmenata plus crna i bijela. Česta varijanta je da se PANTONE boje pokušavaju realizirati i pomoću standardnih procesnih boja (CMYK) čiji rezultat ponekad nije kvalitetom zadovoljavajući. U ovom radu usporedila se mogućnost realizacije 6 karakterističnih PANTONE tonova koje u različitim omjerima sadržavaju narančasto i zeleno bojilo (mali, srednji i veliki udio). Pritom su se eksperimentalni PANTONE tonovi realizirati na dva načina: otiskivanjem principom 4/0 (iz CMYK-a) i otiskivanjem 5/0 (CMYK+G i CMYK+O). Preduvjet tome je kvalitetno izvršeno otiskivanje osnovnih bojila. Pritom je nužno utvrditi koliki su ostvareni nanosi bojila (optička gustoća obojenja punog tona) odnosno kakva je krivulja reprodukcije (prirasti rastertonske vrijednosti). Nakon toga se određuju njihova kolorna odstupanja i varijacije u odnosu na standardni PANTONE (digitalni katalog). U drugom dijelu eksperimenta PANTONE otisci se izlažu simuliranom starenju u Solar box 1500 primjenjujući pritom metodu HR ISO 12 040-2004 (UV svjetlost dobivena zračenjem xsenonske lampe snage 550 W/m2 uz primjenu 320 nm filtra, temperature zraka od 50°C i relativne vlažnosti zraka od 65%). Drugim riječima vrši se proces ubrzanog starenja (u vremenskim intervalima od 0h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 96h, 144h i 250h) kako bi se utvrdila realna uporaba tako proizvedenih otisaka odnosno buduće kartonske ambalaže. Nakon provedenog eksperimenta mjerenja su pokazala da žuto bojilo doživljava najveću promjenu tokom starenja, a cijan bojilo se najmanje mijenja od svih mjerenih bojila. Tako se PANTONE tonovi s većim udjelom žutog bojila ne preporučuju tiskati peterobojnom metodom jer su razlike u odnosu na standardni CMYK zanemarive.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Majnarić, Igor |
Defence date: | 23 September 2014 |
Abstract in english: | It is impossible to think about high quality multicolor reproductions without the usage of aditional inks. Aditional PANTONE inks which enable better reproduction, are added during the production of exclusive packaging. Printing industry currently uses around 1114 PANTONE shades produced by mixing 15 base pigments with black and white inks. Oftenly, PANTONE colors try to be reproduced using only the basic process CMYK inks, but the results are not allways satisfactory. In this paper, the possibility of reproducing 6 characteristic PANTONE shades with different percentages of orange and green ratios has been compared. During the experiment PANTONE shades were produced using two different methods: printing 4/0 (CMYK) and printing 5/0 (CMYK+O and CMYK +G). Basic inks had to have been printed with quality first. It is necessary to establish what are the realised ink densities, and what does the reproduction curve look like (tonal gain). After that the color deviation and the variations to the standard PANTONE (digital catalogue) are determined. During the second part of the experiment PANTONE prints are exposed to simulated aging using Solar box 1500 and applying the principals of HR ISO 12 040-2004 method (UV light gained by using xenon bulbs 550W/ m2 with 320 nm filter, ambient temperature of 50°C and relative humidity of 65%). In other words, the process of rapid aging is enforced (in intervals of 0h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 96h, 144h i 250h) to establish the realistic usage of prints produce using this process. After the experint was over, it was established that the yellow ink is most affected by the rapid aging, and the cyan ink the least. That is why it is not recomended to print PANTONE shades that contain a great amount of yellow using multicolor considering that the differences between multicolor and standard prins are minor. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | šesterobojno otiskivanje, anicolor, ubrzano starenje, tisak PANTONE boja |
Keywords in english: | six color printing, anicolor, rapid aging, PANTONE color print |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 63 |
Callnumber: | maj 2014 buh |
Inventory number: | DB364 |
Depositing User: | Antonia Grgurović |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 25 Sep 2014 09:19 |
Last Modified: | 25 Sep 2014 09:19 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2164 |
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