Razvoj mobilne fotografije i usporedba s klasičnom digitalnom na temelju karakteristika, korisničkog sučelja i dostupnih aplikacija

Garić, Daniel (2014) Razvoj mobilne fotografije i usporedba s klasičnom digitalnom na temelju karakteristika, korisničkog sučelja i dostupnih aplikacija. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Strgar Kurečić, Maja].


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Nekada je pojam mobilnog telefona bio gotovo nezamisliv, a pogotovo s integriranim fotoaparatom. S godinama su se cijene mobilnih telefona drastično smanjile te se napredak tehnologije odrazio na mogućnosti korištenja mobilnih fotoaparata. Dostupnost mobilnih uređaja danas omogućuje prosječnom korisniku da uz malo truda razvije solidne fotografske vještine, na što je utjecao i razvoj aplikacija koje u nekim slučajevima imaju predefinirane postavke i dovoljan je samo pritisak gumba kako bismo dobili vrlo dobre fotografije. U ovom diplomskom radu istražit će se sve veća učestalost širenja fotografija internetom i društvenim mrežama, koja je jedna od glavnih razloga popularnosti mobilne fotografije i razlog češćeg korištenja mobitela od klasičnog fotoaparata. Postavlja se i pitanje kako se mobilna fotografija može usporediti s klasičnom digitalnom, koje su prednosti i mane mobilne fotografije, te što nam budućnost nosi. U teorijskom dijelu rada obradit će se ubrzani razvoj mobilne fotografije te će se pisati o razlozima zbog kojih je do istog došlo. Istražit će se kako je napredak mobilne fotografije doveo do toga da mobiteli postanu direktna konkurencija kompaktnim fotoaparatima. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada detaljno će se usporediti mobilna i klasična digitalna fotografija na temelju više kriterija.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Strgar Kurečić, Maja
Defence date: 23 September 2014
Abstract in english: Once the concept of a mobile phone was almost unthinkable, let alone a small camera integrated into one. Over the years, the prices of mobile phones drastically reduced and the technology advances reflected on the ability to operate mobile cameras. Constant improvement of mobile photography imposes questioning whether there are actually limits to its development. The availability of mobile devices now provides the average user the option of taking little effort to develop a solid photographic skills, which was influenced by the development of applications that in some cases have predefined settings and require only the push of a button in order to get very good pictures. The growing phenomenon of sharing photos on the Internet and social networks will be explored, which is one of the advantages of mobile photography and a cause of more frequent use of mobile phones rather than the classic digital camera. There is also a question of how mobile photography can be compared with the conventional digital photography, what are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile photography and what the future holds. It will be seen that the progress of mobile photography has led to the fact that mobile phones became direct competitors to compact digital cameras. This essay will cover the rapid development of mobile photography and the reasons why that is the situation today. Based on several criteria, mobile and traditional digital photography will be compared.
Uncontrolled Keywords: digitalna fotografija, mobilna fotografija, mobitel, digitalni fotoaparat
Keywords in english: digital photography, mobile photography, mobile phone, digital camera
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 64
Callnumber: str 2014 gar
Inventory number: DB361
Depositing User: Antonia Grgurović
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2014 09:34
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2014 09:34
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2167

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