Agić, Ana (2014) 3D modeliranje pločica za slijepe na Brailleovom pismu. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mandić, Lidija].
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Razvojem tehnologije i grafičkih programa gotovo se uvijek rade grafički proizvodi za ljude koji vide i koji mogu na više načina utjecati na njih, od proizvoda koji se reklamiraju, ambalaže i slični, te se pritom zanemaruje činjenica da postoje ljudi koji imaju poteškoće sa vidom. Tema ovog diplomskog rada je 3D modeliranje i tisak. Korištenjem programa za modeliranje Autodesk Fusion 360 napravljeni su 3D modeli koji su se otisnuli pomoću 3D tiska za pomoć slijepim i slabovidnim osobama. U 3D programu su modelirane pločice manjih dimenzija i različitih oblika na njima (stablo, cvijet, sova itd.) na kojima na Brailleovom pismu pišu slova koja se na neki način povezuju sa nekim objektom, npr. - oblik alata- slovo a, oblik balona- slovo b, i tako cijela abeceda. Istraživanje se provelo u suradnji sa „Udrugom slijepih Zagreb“ i Centrom „Vinko Bek“ koji su svojim sugestijama pomogli da se napravi funkcionalno pomagalo za njihove mlađe štićenike. Mlađi štićenici su procijenili visinu i čitljivost slova na pločici. Konkretna primjena tih pločica će biti da djeca koja su slijepa i slabovidna mogu na zabavan način učiti Brailleovo pismo. Na taj način spaja se moderna tehnologija sa svrhom konkretne pomoći djeci koja imaju poteškoće sa vidom.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Mandić, Lidija |
Other mentors: | Gabrijelčič-Tomc, Helena |
Defence date: | 22 September 2014 |
Abstract in english: | With the development of technology and graphics programs almost always do graphic products for the people who see and who can in many ways to influence them , the products being advertised, packaging and the like, and thereby ignores the fact that there are people who have difficulties with vision. Subject of this paper is 3D modeling and printing. In the Autodesk Fusion 360 were 3D modeled plates which were printed on 3D printer in order to help blind and visually impaired. In 3D program were modelled plates in small dimensions and different shapes ( a tree, a flower, an owl , etc. ) on which in the Braille's letters is written word associated in some way with the object; for example - a shape of tool - letter t , the shape of the balloon - letter b, and so the whole alphabet. After that, an analysis of prototype of plates printed on 3D printer, was made by the "Association of blind people Zagreb" and center “Vinko Bek” who helped with their suggestions that a functional aid for their young protégés. They estimated height and readability of letters on plates. Concrete appliance of this plates will be that this children which are visually impaired or blind can in a fun way learn Braille's alphabet. In this way, modern technology with specific purpose of helping people with visual obstacles is connected. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | 3D modeliranje, 3D tisak, Autodesk Fusion 360, Brailleova abeceda, slijepa i slabovidna djeca |
Keywords in english: | 3D modeling, 3D printing, Autodesk Fusion 360, Braille’s alphabet, blind and visually impaired children |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 36 |
Callnumber: | man 2014 agi |
Inventory number: | DB357 |
Depositing User: | Antonia Grgurović |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 25 Sep 2014 11:10 |
Last Modified: | 29 Oct 2014 10:02 |
URI: | |
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