Tomičić, Goran (2014) Infracrvena fotografija kao kreativni način razmišljanja. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].
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Infracrvena fotografija postaje sve popularnija i privlači sve više pažnje među fotografima. Otvara nove mogućnosti i daje pogled u dio elektromagnetskog spektra nevidljivog golim okom. Infracrvena fotografija nije novi izum, a ljudska težnja za proširivanjem pogleda izvan vizualne percepcije motivira znanstvenike još od 17. stoljeća - od izuma poput mikroskopa i teleskopa. Iskustva sa područjima izvan vidljivog spektra svjetlosti do nedavno su bila nedostupna prosječnom fotografu, međutim u današnje digitalno doba postaje dostupno svima. Snimanje infracrvene fotografije podrazumijeva snimanje infracrvenog zračenja, čovjeku nevidljivog zračenja koje je pojava izvan vidljivog svjetla valnih duljina 750-1200 nm. U klasičnoj je fotografiji ovaj vid snimanja prisutan, ali nikada nije stekao veliku popularnost. Prvotno je to bilo snimanje u vojne i znanstvene svrhe. Ono što fotografe prilikom snimanja infracrvenih fotografija oduševljava poglavito se odnosi na neobičnost dobivenih fotografija, efekti svojstveni za ovu tehniku snimanja. Međutim, većina fotografa ovdje stane i završi sa istraživanjem infracrvene fotografije u kreativnom smislu. Ovaj rad pokazuje kako je savladavanje tehnike snimanja infracrvene fotografije te pritom dobiveno iskustvo samo prvi korak u razvoju kreativnog načina razmišljanja fotografa, koji se očituje kroz ekspertnu analizu i konačne dobivene autorske fotografije.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Mikota, Miroslav |
Defence date: | 24 September 2014 |
Abstract in english: | Infrared photography is becoming more popular and attractive among photographers. It opens up new possibilities and gives insight into a part of the electromagnetic spectrum invisible to the naked eye. Infrared photography is not a new invention, human aspiration for expanding its view beyond visual perception motivates scientists since the 17th century - inventions like microscope or telescope. Experiences with areas outside the visible spectrum of light, until recently, were inaccessible to the average photographer, but in today’s digital age, it becomes available to everyone. Capturing infrared photographs involves recording infrared radiation, invisible radiation that is a phenomenon beyond the visible light wavelength range 750-1200 nm. In conventional photography this technique is present, but never gained great popularity. Originally it served for military and scientific purposes. What photographers admire in capturing infrared photographs is related to strangeness of obtained images, effects inherent to this technique. However, most photographers stop here, finish their survey of infrared photography in the creative sense. This paper shows how mastering the techniques of shooting infrared photographs, and thereby acquired experience, is only the first step in the development of photographers’ creative way of thinking, which manifests itself through expert analysis and final obtained original photographs. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | infracrvena fotografija, infracrveno svjetlo, Woodov efekt, umjetnička fotografija, kreativnost, Adobe Photoshop |
Keywords in english: | infrared photography, infrared light, Wood effect, art photography, creativity, Adobe Photoshop |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 57 |
Callnumber: | mik 2014 tomg |
Inventory number: | DB379 |
Depositing User: | Antonia Grgurović |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 26 Sep 2014 11:05 |
Last Modified: | 30 Sep 2014 09:43 |
URI: | |
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