Budimir, Ivan (2015) Nove varijacije Munker-Whiteovoga efekta u grafičkoj komunikaciji = New variations of Munker-White effect in the process of graphical communication. Dissertation (PhD) thesis. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mrvac, Nikola].
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U suvremenoj grafičkoj komunikaciji intenzivno se proučavaju manifestacije raznovrsnih psihofizičkih vizualnih efekata. Jedan od efekata koji se najčešće susreću u grafičkom dizajnu je Munker-Whiteov efekt. Ovaj je efekt uzrokovan obojenom geometrijskom strukturom koja se naziva Munker-Whiteova rešetka i manifestira se kao ukupna razlika boja ( ) percipiranih pravokutnih elemenata rešetke u odnosu na fizičku vrijednost boje. Pritom se najizraženije manifestira razlika percepcije svjetline ( ). U disertaciji su definirane nove varijacije akromatskog Munker-Whiteovog efekta. Kao testni uzorci korištene su nove varijacije rešetki različitih postotaka pokrivenosti i različitih svjetlina. Nad uzorcima je proveden psihofizički vizualni eksperiment u kojem je sudjelovalo 38 ispitanika. Ukupne razlike percipiranih boja u odnosu na njihove fizičke vrijednosti računane su u CIE sustavu. Regresijskom analizom utvrđene su pravilnosti kojima se podvrgava Munker-Whiteov efekt. Rezultati su dobiveni uspoređivanjem različitih regresijskih modela, dok se ne dobiju oni modeli koji su najbolje prilagođeni rezultatima eksperimenta. Na taj je način pronađena kvadratna funkcijska ovisnost varijable u ovisnosti o parametru postotka pokrivenosti . Utvrđena je i kvadratna funkcijska povezanost varijable i svjetline pravokutnih elemenata . Pronađena je i paraboloidna funkcija koja daje ovisnost varijable o varijablama i . Ova se funkcija može smatrati vizualnim zakonom percepcije pravokutnih elemenata Munker-Whiteove rešetke. Provedena je i logistička regresijska analiza, napravljena za slučaj razlika koje promatrači primjećuju, vide, dobro vide i očigledno razlikuju. Dobiveni logistički regresijski modeli omogućavaju izračunavanje vjerojatnosti da će promatrač uočiti (primijetiti, vidjeti, dobro vidjeti i očigledno razlikovati) Munker-Whiteov efekt na grafičkim reprodukcijama u navedenim slučajevima. Svi dobiveni modeli statistički su testirani te je dokazana njihova visoka statistička kakvoća. Utvrđeni matematički modeli omogućavaju učinkovito proračunavanje intenziteta kao i vjerojatnosti pojavljivanja Munker-Whiteovog efekta u raznim slučajevima te predstavljaju vrijedan doprinos suvremenoj grafičkoj komunikaciji.
Item Type: | Dissertation (PhD) thesis |
Mentor name: | Mrvac, Nikola |
Thesis Committee: | Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana and Pap, Klaudio and Zjakić, Igor and Modrić, Damir and Lazić, Ladislav and Tomiša, Mario |
Defence date: | 24 February 2015 |
Abstract in english: | The manifestation of different psychophysical visual effects is intensively studied in modern graphic communication. One of the effects which occur most often in graphic design is the Munker-White effect. It is caused by the painted geometric structure called the Munker-White grid. This effect is manifested as a shift of manifestation of colour perception ( ) of rectangular grid elements in relation to the physical colour value. The shift of brightness manifestation is thereby manifested the most prominently ( ). This thesis defines new variations of the achromatic Munker-White effect. The new variations of grids with different percentage of coverage and with different brightness were used as test samples. A psychophysical visual experiment with 38 participants was then undertaken and the colorimetric differences of perceived colours in relation to their physical quantities were calculated in CIE system. The regression analysis showed the regularities of the Munker-White effect. The results are obtained by comparing different regression models until the models the best adjusted to experiment results were obtained. In this way the squared function dependence of the variable in dependence with the parameter of coverage percentage was determined. Furthermore, the squared function connection of the variable and the brightness of rectangular elements , as well as the paraboloid function, which gives the dependence of the variable on variables and , were also determined. This function can be considered the visual law of perception of rectangular elements of the Munker-White grid. A logistical regression analysis was also implemented. This was done in the case of differences which the observers notice, see, see well and obviously differentiate. The obtained logistical regression models enable the calculation of chances that the observer will perceive (notice, see, see well and obviously differentiate) the Munker-White effect in graphic reproductions in the mentioned cases. All obtained models are statistically tested and are proved to be of the highest statistical quality. The determined mathematical models enable the efficient study of the intensity as well as of the chances that the Munker-White effect would occur in different cases and as such represent a significant contribution to modern graphic communication. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Munker-Whiteov efekt, matematički model, regresija, logistička regresija, grafička komunikacija. |
Keywords in english: | Munker-White effect, mathematical model, regression, logistical regression, graphic communication |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 203 |
Callnumber: | 7.05:655 BUD d |
Inventory number: | 9984 |
Depositing User: | Antonia Grgurović |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 20 Mar 2015 12:17 |
Last Modified: | 01 Jul 2015 09:21 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2248 |
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