Prelec, Andrija (2015) Izrada responzivne internetske stranice upotrebom HTML5 i CSS3 tehnologija. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Koren Ivančević, Tajana].
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Ovaj završni rad bavit će se HTML i CSS tehnologijama za izradu internetskih stranica, od nastanka pa sve do danas s naglaskom na aktualne HTML5 i CSS3 inačice te svime što su one promijenile i uvele što se tiče standarda. Poseban naglasak je na problemu prilagodbe sadržaja (responzivnost stranice) svim uređajima i mogućim veličinama zaslona koji danas omogućavaju pregled internetskih stranica pomoću web preglednika (browsera), od pametnih telefona do tableta i osobnih računala. Cilj rada jest ustanoviti koliko je zapravo moguće prilagoditi sadržaj prosječne internetske stranice suvremenim uređajima i internetskim preglednicima bez korištenja ostalih tehnologija poput JavaScripta ili izrade više različitih stranica posebno kreiranih za svaki od navedenih uređaja. Sve dosad spomenuto bit će prikazano na praktičnom primjeru osobne internetske stranice s prezentacijskim radovima (portfoliom) u eksperimentalnom dijelu završnog rada gdje će stranica biti kreirana od samog početka i svaki će korak biti postepeno prikazan i obrazložen.
Item Type: | Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme |
Mentor name: | Koren Ivančević, Tajana |
Defence date: | 9 September 2015 |
Abstract in english: | This final thesis deals with HTML and CSS technologies which have been used for the creation of websites since their foundation. Emphasis is placed on the newest HTML5 and CSS3 editions and everything they have introduced or changed when it comes to the standards of the Web. It especially deals with the problem of responsiveness of websites and the adjustment of content to every possible kind of screen size and device used for browsing the Web. Main objective of this thesis is to establish how possible it is to adjust the content of an average website to the modern devices and browsers without using other technologies like JavaScript or creating more separate websites for every type of device. Everything already mentioned will be shown on a working example of a personal portfolio website in the experimental section of the thesis. A website will be created from the beginning and every step of the process will be shown and explained along the way. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | internetska stranica, HTML, CSS, responzivnost |
Keywords in english: | website, HTML, CSS, responsive |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 42 |
Callnumber: | kort 2015 pre |
Inventory number: | Z611 |
Depositing User: | Antonia Grgurović |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 10 Sep 2015 11:30 |
Last Modified: | 11 Sep 2015 07:34 |
URI: | |
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