Paić, Ivan (2015) Digitalna obrada fotografije. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].
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Ovaj završni rad bavi se digitalnom obradom fotografije. Zahvaljujući razvoju grafičkih softvera svakim danom se sve više koristi, a podrazumijeva cijeli niz postupaka, od jednostavnih promjena poput promjene veličine, formata ili rezolucije slike ili kompliciranijih korekcija boja pa sve do složenih fotomanipulacija. U teorijskom djelu dati će se povijesni pregled razvoja fotografije i njene obrade. Obraditi će se tehnički aspekti digitalne fotografije koji su bitni za razumijevanje postupaka koje ćemo koristiti. Spomenuti će se grafički programi za obradu slike ali ovaj rad prvenstveno će se baviti obradom u Adobe Photoshopu, trenutno najpopularnijem i najkorištenijim softverom za tu namjenu. Upoznati ćemo se sa nekim osnovnim funkcijama, alatima i mogućnostima ovog programa. Analizirati će se najčešće korištene metode obrade i povući će se paralela sa tradicionalnom obradom fotografije u studiju. Osvrnuti ću se i na neke etičke probleme koje donosi pretjerana obrada fotografija u reklamnoj industriji i novinskoj fotografiji. U praktičnom djelu pokušati će se na nekoliko primjera obraditi fotografija niže razine kvalitete i nizom različitih postupaka dobiti rezultat koji je primjenjiv u suvremenom oglašavanju.
Item Type: | Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme |
Mentor name: | Mikota, Miroslav |
Defence date: | 11 September 2015 |
Abstract in english: | This thesis is about digital photography editing. Thanks to the development of graphic software it is used more and more every day, and it implies the whole variety of procedures, from simple changes as the size, format, picture resolution or more complicated color corrections to the more complex photo manipulations. In the theoretical part historical overview of the photography development and edition will be shown. Technical aspects of the digital photography important for understanding the procedures that we are going to use will be elaborated. Graphic applications for the photography edition will be mentioned but in this paper priority is editing in the Adobe Photoshop, at the moment the most popular and most used software for that purpose. Some basic functions, tools and possibilities of this program will be met. The most used methods of editing are going to be analyzed and parallel will be drawn with traditional photography editing in the studio. There will be shown some ethical problems that are brought by photography editing in the advertising industry and newspaper photography. In the practical part photography of the lover quality will be edited and with different methods tried to get the result that is applicable in the modern advertising. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | fotografija, obrada, Photoshop, fotoaparat |
Keywords in english: | photography, editing, Photoshop, camera |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 25 |
Callnumber: | mik 2015 pai |
Inventory number: | Z629 |
Depositing User: | Antonia Grgurović |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Sep 2015 10:02 |
Last Modified: | 15 Sep 2015 10:02 |
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