Načini i instrumenti snimanja astrofotografije

Pioker, Tena (2015) Načini i instrumenti snimanja astrofotografije. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].


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Astrofotografija je fotografiranje noćnog neba i nebeskih objekata. Instrumenti koji se koriste kod snimanja astrofotografija imaju mogućnost prikupljanja fotona svijetosti tokom kraćeg ili duţeg perioda izlaganja. Ovisno kojim instrumentom se ţeli snimiti fotografija nebeskih objekata ili noćnog neba, potrebno je obratiti paţnju na tehničke postavke tih instrumenata i odabir dodatnih instrumenata koji pomaţu pri izoštravanju objekta koji se ţeli snimiti, te pri prikupljanju fotona svijetla. Kvaliteta snimljene astrofotografije ovisi o vizualnoj percepciji korisnika, njegovom znanju o tehničkim postavkama i mogućnostima instrumenata, odreĎenom iskustvu te objektima koji se ţele uslikati. Kod snimanja astrofotografija, bitno je pozicionirati instrumente s kojima se snima, na područje bez svjetlosnog zagaĎenja. Instrumenti za snimanje astrofotografije imaju mogućnost prikupljanja svjetlosti tokom duţeg perioda, te je bitno da tokom tih izloţenosti svjetlosti, se prikuplja samo svjetlost od noćnog neba ili nebeskih objekata kako bi se snimile što kvalitetnije fotografije. Što više svjetlosti prikupimo, to više detalja će se vidjeti na konačnoj fotografiji. Jako bitni aspekti astrofotografije su vrijeme izloţenosti te izoštravanje pri snimanju fotografije. Astrofotografijom, uz odreĎene metode, te dovoljno iskustva korisnika, mogu se snimiti detalji na noćnom nebu koji su inače nevidljivi golim okom.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Thesis Committee: Mrvac, Nikola and Mikota, Miroslav and Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana
Defence date: 21 September 2015
Abstract in english: Astrophotography is photographing of night sky and celestial objects. The instruments used in astrophotography have the option of collecting photons of light for a short or long periods of exposure. Depending on which instrument is used to capture images of celestial objects or night sky, it is necessary to pay attention to the technical settings of these instruments and the selection of additional tools that helps focus an object that we want to shot, and in collecting photons of light. Quality of taken astrophotos depens on the visual perception of the user, his knowlegde on the technical settings and possibilities of the instruments, experience and objects that we want to shot. When taking astrophotographs, it is important to position the instruments for shooting on the area with no light pollution. Instruments for recording astrophotos have the option of collecting light over a long period, so it is important that during these exposures light is collected only from the night sky and celestial objects, in order to ensure good astrophoto. The more light we collect, the more details will be seen in the final photography. Important aspects of astrophotography is the time of exposure and focus. Astrophotography, with certain methods, and the experience of the user, can record details on the night sky that are invisible to the naked eye.
Uncontrolled Keywords: astrofotografija, svjetlost, izoštravanje, instrumenti za snimanje astrofotografija, metode snimanja nebeskih objekata
Keywords in english: astrophotography, luminosity, focusing, instruments for taking astrophotography, methods of taking celestial objects
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 40
Callnumber: mik 2015 pio
Inventory number: Z680
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2015 12:09
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2015 12:09

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