Simulacije modeliranja i animacije drveća u Blenderu

Grgošić, Božidar (2015) Simulacije modeliranja i animacije drveća u Blenderu. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja].

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Modeliranje i animacija biljaka predstavljaju zanimljivo i izazovno područje za 3D grafiku. Biljke kao da imaju proizvoljnu složenost dok istovremeno posjeduju ograničenu strukturu grananja. Zato se i modeliraju korištenjem simulacija - sustavima čestica, fraktalima, i L-sustavima, jer je izrada npr. velikog broja sličnog drveća s malim varijacijama u izgledu vrlo mukotrpan posao ako se radi ručno. S obzirom na to da su biljke živi sustavi, sve simulacije vezane uz njih su i biomehaničke simulacije, što je naravno dio mehaničkih simulacija. Od verzije 2.59., u Blender je uključen dodatak (eng. Addon) -Sapling, pomoću kojega je moguće kreirati različite vrste i oblike drveća. Koristi krivulje kao osnovne građevne elemente, te na taj način omogućuje promjene u geometriji modela koji variraju s promjenom razine detalja. Ako postoji potreba korištenja stabla u animaciji, moguće je kreirati armaturu (kostur) za pokretanje i kontrolu, kao i vjetar, kako bi gibanje stabla bilo realnije. U ovome radu opisan je postupak izrade animacije - simulacije stabla pri utjecaju sile vjetra. Kako bi se animacija približila što vjernijem prikazu gibanja stabla na vjetru, prilikom izrade potrebno je prilagoditi razne parametre, koji su detaljno opisani u ovom radu.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja
Thesis Committee: Koren, Antun and Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja and Mikota, Miroslav
Defence date: 5 October 2015
Abstract in english: Modeling and animation of plants is interesting and challenging area for 3D graphics. Plants seem to have arbitrary complexity while at the same time have limited branching structure. Therefore, when animated, the use of simulation is needed; plants are modeled using particle systems, fractals and L-systems, since the production of large number of for example similar trees with small variations in the appearance is a complicated process if done by hand. Since the plants are living systems, all simulations related to them are also biomechanical simulations, which is of course part of the mechanical simulation. Since the version 2.59., there is a new add-on in Blender- Sapling, which allows creating different types and shapes of trees in Blender. It uses curves as the basic building blocks, and thus allows for changes in geometry models that vary with the level of detail. If there is a need of using trees in animation, it is possible to create an armature (skeleton) to initiate and control, as well as the wind, so that the motion of the tree is more realistic. In this work, the process of making tree animation -simulation under influence of the wind forces is described. To approach as realistic animation as it is possible, an adaptation of the various parameters is needed, that is described in detail in this work.
Uncontrolled Keywords: modeliranje, simulacija, Blender, animacija, drveće
Keywords in english: modeling, simulation , Blender , animation , trees
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 90
Callnumber: kop 2015 grg
Inventory number: DB478
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Oct 2015 11:49
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2015 11:49

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