Ištuk, Andro (2015) Testiranje ponašanja složenog AutoCAD modela u Blenderu, s naglaskom na prohod (eng. walkthrough) i kombinaciju sa simulacijom sustavima čestica. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja].
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Poznata je činjenica da inženjeri raznih tehničkih područja (građevinari, strojari, elektrotehničari i dr.) koriste AutoCAD da bi u njemu modelirali svoje zamisli, i zatim često svoje datoteke daju specijalistima za prohode (engl. walkthrough), koji datoteke uvoze u 3ds MAX ili Mayu, komercijalne, također AutoDeskove proizvode kao što je i AutoCAD, i u njima dobivenu scenu (s jednim ili više modela) pripremaju za iscrtavanje (dodaju materijale, teksture, osvjetljenja, kamere) te zatim animiraju prohode kroz scenu, tako da se zamisao autora što bolje vidi (radi provjere točnosti izrade modela, zanimljivosti potencijalnim kupcima, itd.). To su npr. prohodi kroz interijere, eksterijere, pogone, unutrašnjosti strojeva, elektroničkih uređaja i sl. Cilj ovoga rada ispitati je da li je i besplatni OpenSource program Blender dovoljno dobar za takav posao, i to na način da se u AutoCADu konstruira složeni model srednjevjekovnog obrambenog tornja (složenosti doprinose i 3 različite tehnike modeliranja korištene za izradu tog modela - CSG, plošno i modeliranje mrežama poligona), zatim se model uveze u Blender scenu kojoj se dodaju svi potrebni gore navedeni elementi, ali i okoliš, kao i simulacija barutnih dimova nastalih nakon ispaljivanja topovskih kugli (simulacija pomoću sustava čestica) koji izlaze kroz predviđene otvore za pucanje postavljene u tornju. Konačna animacija uključuje pogled na simulaciju tornja s vatrom i dimom, kao i prohod po kružnim stepenicama tornja.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja |
Thesis Committee: | Koren, Antun and Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja and Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana |
Defence date: | 5 October 2015 |
Abstract in english: | It is widely known that ingeneers from different areas (construction experts,machinists, electrical technicians) use AutoCAD for modeling their ideas and often do it by giving their files to specialists (experts) in walktroughs who then import the files in 3ds MAX, Maya, commercial, also AutoDesks products such as AutoCAD. They prepare the scene for drawing by adding materials, textures, lights and cameras and then animate walktroughs in a way that best shows the author's idea, which is important because of the potential buyers and, most importantly, accuracy of the construction. Some of the most common examples are interior, exterior, and electrical machines walktroughs. The main objective of this project is to find out whether the free OpenSource program Blender is suitable (good enough) for this type of task. The method will include AutoCAD, as the complex model of a medieval defence tower (its complexity lies in three different modeling techniques which were used to create it – CSG, flatbled and poligon net modeling) will firstly be constructed in AutoCAD and then imported in Blender scene to which all of the above elements ,as well as the environment and simulation of gun powder smoke (particle system simulation), will be added. The final animation includes „a walk“ on the circular steps around the tower and the view on the simulation of the tower with fire and smoke. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | AutoCAD, Blender, toranj, prohod, sustav čestica, animacija |
Keywords in english: | AutoCAD, Blender, tower, walkthrough, particle system, animation |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 57 |
Callnumber: | kop 2015 išt |
Inventory number: | DB476 |
Depositing User: | Elizabeta Rybak Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 15 Oct 2015 12:15 |
Last Modified: | 15 Oct 2015 12:15 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2378 |
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