3D animacija i open source

Pokrajac, Marina (2015) 3D animacija i open source. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mandić, Lidija].


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3D animacija zadnje je desetljeće doživjela ekspanziju-kako u kvaliteti tako i u primjeni. Danas postoje razni softveri koji veoma realistično stvaraju 3D modele i animacije. Sam proces stvaranja 3D animacije sastoji se od više faza (planiranja, dizajniranja, modeliranja, teksturiranja, postavljanja kamera i rasvjete, animiranja, renderiranja, compositinga itd.) koje su neophodne za jednu uspješnu produkciju. Iako sveprisutna, 3D animacija je tehnički i ekonomski veoma zahtjevna, kako zbog znanja i vremena potrebnog za njenu provedbu, tako i zbog visokih cijena softvera koji su za to potrebni. Stoga se postavlja pitanje može li jedan besplatan i open source softver proizvesti dovoljno kvalitetan sadržaj koji je u stanju konkurirati ostalim tzv. closed source softverima. U ovom se rada predstavila mogućnost izrade jedne 3D animacije u open source programu i istražile su se njene mogućnosti i prednosti, te se na primjeru njezine izrade se opisao proces stvaranja CGI (3D) animacije od samog početka pa sve do kraja. Open source ili otvoreni kod je softver čiji je izvorni kod ili nacrt dostupan na uvid, korištenje i daljnje dijeljenje/distribuciju. Open source softver korišten za svrhe ovog rada je Blender. Svake se godine usavršava i nadograđuje te čak i sam korisnik može sudjelovati u njegovoj izradi. Ovaj rad je za cilj imao približiti način rada u open source softveru, istražiti njegove mogućnosti i kako one utječu na budućnost animacije. Isto tako, u ovom radu savladala su se neka od osnovnih pravila, vještina i organizacija rada potrebnih za kompletnu produkciju jedne 3D animacije.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mandić, Lidija
Other mentors: de Mata, Luca
Thesis Committee: Poljičak, Ante and Mandić, Lidija and Strgar Kurečić, Maja
Defence date: 5 October 2015
Abstract in english: Over the last decade, 3D animation has undergone a huge expansion in quality and in its application. Today there are various kinds of softwares that can create very realistic 3D models and animations. The process of creating 3D animation consists of several stages (planning, designing, modeling, texturing, camera and lighting imposing, animation, rendering, compositing and so on) that are necessary for a successful production. Although omnipresent, 3D animation is still technically and economically very challenging, partly because of the knowledge and the time required for its implementation, but also because of the high prices of the softwares. The question this thesis shall answer is if free and open source software is capable of producing good quality content that may compete with other so-called closed source softwares. This paper has introduced the possibility to create a 3D animation in an open source program and has explored its features and benefits. In the process of making one it has been explained how to make a 3D CGI animation from scratch till the very end of production. Open source software is when the source code or design of the software itself is available to the general public for viewing, usage and further distribution. Software used for the purposes of this paper is called Blender. Each year, this software has been improved and upgraded, and users can even participate in its development. This thesis strives to explain how open source software works, to explore its capabilities and how they affect the future of animation. Also, in this paper, the basic rules, skills and work organisation required to complete a production of a 3D animation are explained and mastered.
Uncontrolled Keywords: 3D, Animiranje, 3D animacija, Open-source, Blender
Keywords in english: 3D, Animation, 3D animation, Open-source, Blender
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 99
Callnumber: man 2015 pok
Inventory number: DB470
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Oct 2015 13:20
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2015 13:20
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2384

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