Utjecaj zamrzivanja efekta simultanog kontrasta na percepciju otiska efekta

Rebrnjak, Jelena (2015) Utjecaj zamrzivanja efekta simultanog kontrasta na percepciju otiska efekta. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].


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Na kvalitetu i karakteristike otiska možemo utjecati odabirom tehnike ispisa. U situacijama kada je vjernost reprodukcije u odnosu na original bitan faktor, potrebno je obratiti posebnu pozornost na odabir tehnike ispisa. Percepcija promatranog objekta varirati će od osobe do osobe, a razlog tomu je tromost ljudskog oka i subjektivna interpretacija pojedinca. Zbog toga je ljudski vidni sustav podložan optičkim iluzijama, a jedna od njih, ujedno i ona kojom se ovaj diplomski rad bavi, jest simultani kontrast. Simultani kontrast je nesvojevoljna reakcija koja se dešava zbog toga što ljudsko oko boje ne vidi doslovno, već ih simultano modificira tražeći vizualni par. Simultani kontrast uzrokuje da istu boju na tamnijoj pozadini percipiramo svjetlijom, odnosno na svjetlijoj pozadini, tamnijom. Pokrivenost površine rasterom utjecati će na percepciju boje na način da ju se percipira svjetlijom ili tamnijom. Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se istraživanjem percepcije simultanog kontrasta koji je simuliran apliciranjem rastera na površini promatranog uzorka. Istražuje se i utjecaj proširivanja rastera na percepciju primarnog stimulusa, akromatske plohe. Isti efekt istražiti će se i zamrzivanjem pomoću fotografskog aparata te će se bilježiti razlike u usporedbi s originalnim efektom.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Thesis Committee: Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana and Mikota, Miroslav and Mrvac, Nikola
Defence date: 5 October 2015
Abstract in english: The quality and characteristics of the print can be affected by choosing print techniques. In situations where the reproduction fidelity in regard to the original is an important factor, it is necessary to pay special attention when we are choosing printing technique. The perception of an image will vary from person to person, and the reason for this is the inertia of the human eye and the subjective interpretation of the individual. Therefore, the human visual system is subject to optical illusions, and one of them, that is researched in this work, is the simultaneous contrast. Simultaneous contrast is involuntarily reaction that occurs because the human eye can not see the colors literally, but modifies them simultaneously seeking their visual pair. Simultaneous contrast causes that we perceve the same color on a darker if the background is lighter and vice versa. This work will explore the perception of simultaneous contrast which is simulated by applying raster grid on the surface of the primary stimulus. Also, this work will explore if raster grid extending will affect the perception of achromatic shape. The same effect will be explored by freezing it with digital camera and the results will be compared.
Uncontrolled Keywords: percepcija, tehnika ispisa, simultani kontrast, raster
Keywords in english: perception, printing technique, simultaneous contrast, raster
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 49
Callnumber: mik 2015 reb
Inventory number: DB467
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Oct 2015 13:44
Last Modified: 15 Oct 2015 13:44
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2387

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