Barukčić, David (2015) Interaktivna edukativna slikovnica za mobilne uređaje. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pibernik, Jesenka].
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Pojava knjiga u digitalnome obliku je donedavno bio velik korak u prijenosu pisane riječi pa se sukladno razvoju tehnologije i ljudskih potreba pojam digitalne knjige relativno brzo proširio na različite platforme pa tako i na različitiu publiku. Uređaji poput tableta i mobitela danas su preplavili tržište pa tako zbog prednosti tih uređaja digitalne slikovnice danas postaju najprodavaniji medij prigodan za djecu. Mobilna tehnologija kao medij produkcije takvih slikovnica naprosto pruža znatno više mogućnosti nego dosadašnji oblici slikovnica. Tableti pružaju direktnu interakciju djeteta i slikovnice, omogućuje se povezivanje djeteta s tematikom priče pomoću taktilnih podražaja i zvučnih efekata te na poslijetku veliku ulogu u edukaciji i približavanju spomenutoj vrsti publike imaju grafike i prigodne animacije koje uvelike olakšavaju shvaćanje i doživljaj fabule. Djeca se danas rađaju uz tehnologiju te je shvaćanje tehnologije i baratanje istom jedan je od krucijalnih koraka u razvoju djeteta ukoliko su potencijalni sadržaji odgojnog i zabavnog karaktera pravilno ustupljeni djeci. U narednom radu je korištena iOS platforma, tvrtke Apple. Prvotno su izrađeni prototipi interaktivne slikovnice u svrhu istraživanja kojim se utvrdila poveznica između zabave i učenja, odnosno koliko animacije i interaktivni sadržaj mogu utjecati na djetetovu pozornost i želju za učenjem. Nakon izrade prototipa je izrađena slikovnica u kojoj su objedinjena tri glavna lika te su radnje koje prate glavne likove edukativnog i ekološkog karaktera. Razrađen je specifičan način uporabe interaktivne slikovnice koji čini struktura hipermedija kojom korisnik prilikom navigacije kroz samu slikovnicu, različitim odabirom puteva, omogućava nekoliko različitih zapleta priče te slikovnicu čini suvremenim djelom koji je ujedno zabavan, edukativan, kompleksan te unikatan.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Pibernik, Jesenka |
Thesis Committee: | Brozović, Maja and Pibernik, Jesenka and Koren Ivančević, Tajana |
Defence date: | 5 October 2015 |
Abstract in english: | The appearance of books in digital format until recently has been a major step in the transfer of the written word so in accordance with the development of technology and human needs concept of digital books relatively quickly spread to multiple platforms including the different audience. Devices such as tablets and mobile phones today have flooded the market and because of their benefits digital picture books are becoming the best-selling media appropriate for children. Mobile technology as a media for producing such picture books are simply offering more features than previous forms of picture books. Tablets provide direct interaction of a child and a picture book, allows the child to connect with themed stories using tactile stimuli and sound effects, and eventually a major role in educating and approaching to this type of audience have graphics and occasional animation that greatly facilitate the understanding and experience of the plot. Children born today with the technology and understanding technology and handling the same is one of the crucial steps in the development of the child if the potential contents of educational and entertaining character properly seconded children. The following labour is used iOS platform, from Apple Inc. There were initially built prototypes of interactive storybook for the purpose of research which found a link between entertainment and learning, and how animation and interactive content can affect child’s attention and desire to learn. After creating a prototype is made a picture book in which were unified the three main characters and the actions that accompany the main characters are of educational and ecological character. It was worked out a specific way using an interactive picture book that makes a hypermedia structure which the user when navigating through a picture book itself, choosing different paths, allows several different plots of the story and picture book makes contemporary work that is both fun, educational, complex and unique. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | knjiga, slikovnica, digitalni, interaktivni |
Keywords in english: | book, picture book, digital, interactive |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 44 |
Callnumber: | pib 2015 bar |
Inventory number: | DB455 |
Depositing User: | Elizabeta Rybak Budić |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 16 Oct 2015 09:05 |
Last Modified: | 16 Oct 2015 09:05 |
URI: | |
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