Izrada pokretne fotografije - Cinemagraph

Brajković, Marina (2015) Izrada pokretne fotografije - Cinemagraph. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Strgar Kurečić, Maja].


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Diplomski rad se odnosi na statične fotografije u kojima je odreĎen motiv, ili više njih, animiran. Takva vrsta animiranih fotografija predstavljena je 2011. godine pod nazivom cinemagraph. Cinemagraph povezuje osobine fotografije i videa stvarajući iluziju statične fotografije sa pomičnim motivima. Reproduciranje je omogućeno GIF formatom zapisa (Graphics Interchange Format) koji se smatra reprodukcijskim standardom za kratke animacije. Dolaskom digitalnih fotoaparata koji mogu snimati videe visoke rezolucije (HD) i nadogradnjom programa za obradu fotografija, izrada ovakvih animiranih fotografija jednostavnija je i time popularnija. Sama tehnika izrade nije zahtjevna, ali ono što cinemagraph čini jedinstvenim je način na koji oţivljava odreĎeni dio fotografije i tako ju čini realističnom, atraktivnom i čak intrigantnom. Za izradu visoko kvalitetnih cinemagrapha najčešće se koristi Adobe Photoshop. S obzirom da je to komercijalni program, na trţištu postoje i besplatne alternative tom programu pomoću kojih je takoĎer moguća izrada. U današnje vrijeme, kada se sve više koriste pametni telefoni i tableti, postoje programi koji omogućuju izradu cinemagrapha korištenjem tih ureĎaja. U ovom radu biti će prikazan proces odabira motiva i izrade cinemagrapha te usporedba računalnih i mobilnih programa za izradu istih.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Strgar Kurečić, Maja
Thesis Committee: Poljičak, Ante and Strgar Kurečić, Maja and Mandić, Lidija
Defence date: 6 October 2015
Abstract in english: Master thesis is about static images in which a certain motive, or more of them, are animated. This type of a photograph was first presented in 2011. under the name cinemagraph. Cinemagraph connects the features of a photograph and a video, thus creating an illusion of a static photograph with moving motives. Reproduction is enabled with the use of GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) which is considered a reproductional standard for short animations. With the arrival of digital cameras, that are able to film short high resolution videos, and with upgrades to the photography processing software, production of animated photographs became much simpler and popular. The techique used to create a cinemagraph isn't all that hard, but what makes a cinemagraph unique is the way it make a certain part of a photograph come to life, and that way makes the photo realistic, attractive and even intriguing. Adobe Photoshop is mostly used to create high quality cinemagraphs. Since it is a commercial software, there are many free alternatives on the market that also make creating cinemagraphs possible. Today, when smartphones and tablets are used in everyday life, there are programs that are used to create cinemagraphs using those devices. In this thesis, the process of chosing motives and creating a cinemagraph using PC software and a smartphone software, will be described.
Uncontrolled Keywords: cinemagraph, GIF, frame
Keywords in english: cinemagraph, GIF, frame
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 69
Callnumber: str 2015 bra
Inventory number: DB445
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2015 12:10
Last Modified: 16 Oct 2015 12:10
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2409

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