Periodična mjerenja sustava projekcije slike u kinima

Zlopaša, Lucija (2015) Periodična mjerenja sustava projekcije slike u kinima. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mandić, Lidija].

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Potreba za kino projekcijama visoke kvalitete, produkt je uvođenja standarda za projiciranje video sadržaja visoke kvalitete. Na osvjetljenje filmskog platna u kino dvorani utječe nekoliko faktora. Razvojem digitalnih projektora količina utrošene energije za projiciranje svjetla, spektar svjetlosti koji se razlikuje za 2D i 3D tehniku, udaljenost projektora od platna, te oblik i vrsta platna na koju svjetlost pada, svi utječu na razinu svjetlosti koja dolazi do gledatelja. Svaki put kada se scena na zaslonu promijeni, velika je izmjena u emitiranom svjetlu. Učestala izmjena količine svjetlosti može rezultirati naprezanju oka, sušenju očne jabučice, glavobolji, pa čak i nesvjesticom. Prema tome, jačina svjetlosti koja pada u oko u tamnoj prostoriji kao što su kino dvorane, može oštetiti vid kratkoročno ili uzrokovati pogoršanje dugoročnih smetnji. Kako bi se to izbjeglo te pružila besprijekorna kvaliteta i nesmetano dugotrajno gledanje kino projekcije, sustav se mora kalibrirati, te redovito provjeravati. Dogovoreni standard za 2D projekciju iznosi 14fL (odnosno 48 cd/m2) te trostruko manje za 3D tehniku. Vrijednost varira obzirom na tehniku projekcije, vrstu platna i životni vijek lampe. Redovitim servisiranjem koje uključuje mjerenja, kontrolira se količina svjetla na platnu, radi održavanja standarda tokom dužeg perioda.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mandić, Lidija
Thesis Committee: Poljičak, Ante and Mandić, Lidija and Strgar Kurečić, Maja
Defence date: 7 October 2015
Abstract in english: The need for high quality cinema screenings is the introduction of standards for projecting videos of the highest quality. Illuminance of a movie screen depends on a combination of different factors. With development of digital projectors and the amount of energy spent for the projection of light, difference of luminescence specter for 2D and 3D ethnic, distance between the projector and screen and the shape and the screen type, all influence the level of light that is reflected back to the audience. Every time the image on the screen changes, quantity of light emitted changes. Continued change in the light intensity can result in eyestrain, drying of the eye balls, headache or even loss of consciousness. There for, light intensity that falls into the eye in a dark room such as a movie theater, can damage the eyesight or cause a short-term deterioration of long-term interference. To prevent that and prolong the impeccable quality and uninterrupted long-term viewing of a movie projection, the system must be calibrated and checked regularly. The agreed standard for 2D projection is 14fL (respectively 48 cd/m2) and three times less for 3D technique. The value varies due to the projection technique, canvas and lamp life. Regular servicing that includes measurement controls the amount of light on the screen, in order to maintain standards over a longer period.
Uncontrolled Keywords: svjetlost, zaslon, projekcija, kino dvorana, fotoluminiscencija
Keywords in english: light, screen, projection, theater, luminescence
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 42
Callnumber: man 2015 zlo
Inventory number: DB495
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2015 09:08
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2015 09:08

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