Razvoj kognitivnih sposobnosti vrtićke djece interaktivnim aplikacijama

Mauzner, Filip (2015) Razvoj kognitivnih sposobnosti vrtićke djece interaktivnim aplikacijama. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mandić, Lidija].

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Tema ovog rada je razvoj kognitivnih sposobnosti vrtićke djece interaktivnim aplikacijama. Sa razvojem tehnologije razvijaju se takoĎer igre i aplikacije namijenjene prijenosnim ureĎajima koje svakodnevno koristimo. Interaktivne igre i aplikacije sve se više uklapaju u naš svakodnevni ritam, većina njih se koriste u svrhu zabave. Njihov utjecaj na djecu je već zamjetan, djeca se rapidno navikavaju na ureĎaje i igre no upitno je koliko pozitivnog utjecaja to ima na njih. Aplikacije koje služe za razvoj djeteta su najčešće u obliku igara koje suptilno djecu uče nekim potrebitim znanjima. Aplikacije koje su djeci privlačne nisu nužno ograničene na dobnu skupinu. Aplikacije za razvoj djece trebaju pratiti razvojni program djeteta, omogućiti postepeni razvoj kognitivnih sposobnosti i usto ne predstavljati djetetu obavezu da je redovito koristi. Kroz praktični dio rada je izraĎen prototip aplikacije za razvoj kognitivnih sposobnosti vrtićke djece dobne skupine od tri do četiri godine. Sadrži tri glavne kategorije u kojima se provjeravaju i razvijaju dječje kognitivne sposobnosti raspoznavanja i zaključivanja boja, brojeva, oblika i veličina.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mandić, Lidija
Thesis Committee: Poljičak, Ante and Mandić, Lidija and Strgar Kurečić, Maja
Defence date: 7 October 2015
Abstract in english: The writing covers the development of cognitive abilities in kindergarten children with interactive applications. With the development of new technology there is also a development of games and applications intended for mobile devices which we use on daily basis. Interactive games and applications are more and more nested in our daily routine, most of them being for fun purposes. Their influence on children is already noticeable, kids are rapidly being getting used to use the device and play games but the question remains how much of a positive influence it has on them. Applications used for the development of children are usually in form of games that are subtle in developing children’s mental growth. The applications don't have a precise age they target so the content is usually made easy so the children find it attractive. Applications for the development of children should follow the development program of children, enable gradual development of cognitive abilities and not presented as obligation to kids in order for the child to use it often. Practical part of the writing includes the custom made application prototype used for the development of cognitive abilities in children age three to four. It comprises of three categories in which children’s cognitive abilities are tested and being developed. The categories are colors, numbers, shapes and sizes.
Uncontrolled Keywords: kognitivne sposobnosti, djeca, aplikacija, dobne skupine, razvoj
Keywords in english: cognitive abilities, children, application, age groups, development
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 50
Callnumber: man 2015 mau
Inventory number: DB490
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2015 09:58
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2015 09:58
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2426

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