Optimizacija proizvodnog procesa

Franjić, Petra (2015) Optimizacija proizvodnog procesa. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].


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Proces grafičke proizvodnje započinje ugovaranjem posla s klijentom, zatim slijedi kalkulacija i tehnološki proces proizvodnje kroz pripremu, tisak i doradu. Opisani proces završava isporukom gotovog grafičkog proizvoda klijentu. U suradnji s tiskarom napravljena je analiza procesa proizvodnje od ugovaranja posla sa klijentom do distribucije gotovog proizvoda. Tiskara je opremljena ofsetnom tehnikom tiska s popratnom tehnologijom koja je potrebna za sve faze proizvodnje od pripreme do grafičke dorade. Zahvaljujući tome na trţište se mogu plasirati raznovrsni proizvodi kao što su brošure, časopisi, „company profile“, godišnja izvješća, katalozi, knjige, ambalaţa, letci, mape, rokovnici, vrećice i sl. Temeljem analize izračunati su radni tijekovi i teţi se definirnju proizvodnih „rupa“ u procesima kako bi se postigla što veća efikasnost proizvodnje. Cilj je postići proizvodnju na principu „lean boing“ u kojem je proizvodnja razraĎena do najsitnijih detalja. Strogo su definirane odgovornosti i pozicije svih radnika ali i alata i strojeva kako bi produktivnost u proizvodnji bila što veća uz minimalne gubitke izraţene u vremenu i materijalu, odnosno novcu.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Zjakić, Igor
Thesis Committee: Bates, Irena and Zjakić, Igor and Banić, Dubravko
Defence date: 7 October 2015
Abstract in english: The process of print production begins with determining the terms of the deal with the client, followed by calculation and the technological production process through the preparation the printing and processing. The process described above ends by delivering the final printed products to the client. In association with the printing house the process of production was analyzed from the contracting work with the client to the distribution of the final product. Printing house is using the offset printing technique with the supporting technology required for all the production stages from the preparation to the graphics processing. Therefore, varied products such as brochures, magazines, company profiles, annual reports, catalogs, books, packaging, leaflets, folders, notebooks, bags and so on, may be placed on the market. Based on the analysis the workflow has been calculated and the emphasis was placed on finding "holes" in the production process in order to achieve maximum efficiency of production. The goal is to guarantee the production based on the principle of "lean boing" in which the production is elaborated in detail. The responsibilities are strictly defined and the position of all workers as well as the position for all the tools and mashines in order to maximize the productivity in manufacturing with minimum loss of time, material and money.
Uncontrolled Keywords: kalkulacija za grafički proizvod, tehnološki procesi u grafičkoj proizvodnji, strojni park u suvremenoj grafičkoj tiskari, ofset, „lean boing“
Keywords in english: calculation for graphic product, technological processes in graphic production, machine park in a modern printing house, offset, "lean boing"
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 87
Callnumber: zja 2015 fra
Inventory number: DB481
Depositing User: Elizabeta Rybak Budić
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2015 11:47
Last Modified: 19 Oct 2015 11:47
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2435

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