Malnar, Marija (2016) Subjektivizam u uličnoj fotografiji. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].
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Ulična fotografija je fotografija snimljena na ulici, odnosno nekom javnom mjestu, park, kafić, šumica, selo. Nije ograničena samo na područje grada. Glavna karakteristika ulične fotografije je hvatanje trenutka, iskrenost i ne namještanje kadra. Otkrio ju je Henri Cartier Bresson, te se smatra "ocem" ulične fotografije. Naš glavni predstavnik ulične fotografije, međunarodnog ugleda je Toše Dabac. Glavni cilj uličnog fotografa je naći se na pravom mjestu u pravo vrijeme. Subjektivna fotografija svjesno odbacuje tehničke i estetske konvencije dobre fotografije. Ističe osobni pogled i eksperimentalnu fotografiju nad dokumentiranim realizmom. Tvorcem subjektivne fotografije smatra se Otto Steinert koji je s nekolicinom fotografa osnovao grupu "Fotoform", nastalu iz nezadovoljstva mladih fotografa ustaljenim pravilima i shvaćanjima fotografije. Prema Steinertu subjektivna fotografije treba obuhvaćati "svaku oblast ličnog fotografskog stvaranja, od apstraktnih fotograma do fotoreportaža". Uzori su im bili Laszlo Moholy-Nagy i Man Ray. Grupu "Fotoform" karakterizira revitalizacija fotografskih tehnika karakterističnih za Bauhaus i nadrealizam: fotogram, solarizacija, preklapanje negativa, produžena i dupla ekspozicija. Radovi subjektivne fotografije izlaze iz okvira klasičnog poimanja fotografije i fotografa. Termin "subjektivna fotografija" je prvi put upotrebljen kao naziv izložbe na kojoj je sudjelovalo 720 fotografija.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Mikota, Miroslav |
Thesis Committee: | Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana and Mikota, Miroslav and Mrvac, Nikola |
Defence date: | 9 February 2016 |
Abstract in english: | Street photography is a photograph taken in the street or a public place, park, cafe, grove, village. It is not limited to the area of the city. The main characteristic of street photography is capturing the moment, honesty and no adjustment of the (scene) frame. It was discovered by Henri Cartier Bresson, who is considered the "father" of street photography. Our main representative of street photography of the international reputation is Toše Dabac. The main goal of street photographer is to be found in the right place at the right time. Subjective photos consciously rejects the technical and aesthetic conventions of good photos. Emphasizes personal view and experimental photography of documented realism. Otto Steinert is considered as a creator of subjective photography. With several photographers Steinert founded the group "Fotoform", as a result of dissatisfaction of young photographers from established rules and concepts of photography. According Steinert subjective photos should include "every area of personal photographic creation from abstract photograms to photo-reportage". Their idols were Laszlo Moholy - Nagy and Man Ray. Group "Fotoform" is characterized by revitalization of photographic techniques typical of the Bauhaus and Surrealism: photogram, solarization, overlapping negatives, extended and double exposure. Works of subjective images go beyond the classical concept of photography and photographers. The term "subjective photography" was first used as the title of the exhibition which was attended by 720 photos. |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 114 |
Callnumber: | MIK 2016 MAL |
Inventory number: | DB507 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 11 Feb 2016 11:13 |
Last Modified: | 11 Feb 2016 11:13 |
URI: | |
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