Cloud sustav i online baze podataka

Barišić, Igor (2016) Cloud sustav i online baze podataka. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Matijević, Mile].


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Cloud tehnologija i internet baze podataka nastali su u ţelji za povećanjem kapaciteta prostora skladištenja datoteka bez daljnjeg ulaganja u infrastrukturu ili kupnje licenciranih računalnih programa. Cloud sustavi temelje se na trenutnom odzivu, odnosno na komunikaciji s korisnikom u realnom vremenu. Bilo da se Cloud sustavi promatraju kao jeftinija rješenja koja se unajmljuju po potrebi ili kao tehnološku platformu za poslovne modele, oni će smanjiti opseg posla, utrošak vremena rada, povećat će brzinu izrade drugih sustava te pospješiti razvoj inovacija na trţištu. U teoretskom dijelu objasnit će se razvoj i način rada internet baza podataka i Cloud sustava, koje Cloud sustave poznajemo te njihovu sinergiju s današnjim industrijskim napredkom. Nakon teorijskog dijela, u eksperimentalnom dijelu istraţit će se sadašnji nivo napredka i upotrebe Cloud tehnologije te će se napraviti usporedba u odnosu na ranija istraţivanja u povijesti. Koristit će se i više Cloud storage sustava za arhiviranje i Cloud backup sustava za pohranu kako bi se dobio bolji uvid u trendove razvoja sustava te njihov utjecaj na osobne korisnike i poslovne subjekte. Usporedbom ćemo dobiti uvid u današnji napredak Cloud tehnologije meĎu posluţiteljima usluge.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Matijević, Mile
Thesis Committee: Mikota, Miroslav and Matijević, Mile and Mrvac, Nikola
Defence date: 23 September 2016
Abstract in english: Cloud technology and internet databases were created in an effort to increase the capacity of storage space file without further investment in infrastructure or the purchase of licensed computer software. Cloud systems are based on the current response, or to communicate with the user in real time. Whether the Cloud systems are seen as cheaper solutions that are hired when needed or as a technology platform for business models, they will reduce the amount of work, time spent working will increase the speed of other systems and will promote the development of innovation in the market. The theoretical part will explain the development and operation of internet database systems and Cloud, Cloud systems that we know and their synergy with today's industrial progress. After the theoretical part, the experimental section will explore the current level of progress and the use of Cloud technology and will make a comparison in relation to previous studies in history. It will be used more Cloud storage systems for archiving and backup Cloud storage systems to provide a better insight into the trends of development of the system and their impact on personal users and businesses. The comparison will get an insight into the progress of today's Cloud technology among servers.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Internet baze podataka; Cloud sustavi; sustav arhiviranja; sustav pohrane
Keywords in english: Internet database; Cloud systems; storage service; backup service
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 57
Callnumber: MAT 2016 BAR
Inventory number: DB540
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 04 Nov 2016 09:39
Last Modified: 04 Nov 2016 09:39

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