Čerina, Petra (2016) Utjecaj UV bojila na volumen aniloks valjka u tehnici fleksotiska. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Zjakić, Igor].
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Fleksotisak je danas jedna od najzastupljenijih tehnika tiska, s unaprjeđenjem opreme omogućuje otiskivanje na sve vrste tiskovnih podloga (ambalaža, papir, etikete, folije..). Različiti parametri koji se tiču tehnologije, vrste izrade polimernih ploča, pritiska u tisku, aniloks valjka i različitih tiskovnih podloga utječu na kvalitetu reprodukcije. Prilikom otiskivanja postoje određena ograničenja u reprodukciji glatkih prijelaza koji stvaraju efekt prekinutih tonova u svijetlim područjima, te smanjuju raspon tonova u tisku. Prijenosom tiskarskog bojila na tiskovnu ploču višak bojila se uklanja pomoću rakela, te taj postupak bitno utječe na trošenje aniloks valjka, također na prijenos tiskarskog bojila utječe i čistoća i održavanje aniloks valjka. Cilj je proučiti kako se u određenom vremenskom periodu smanjuje volumena aniloks valjka, tj. koliko se smanjuje volumen ćelija koje se zapunjavaju UV bojilom. Na kvalitetu reprodukcije značajan utjecaj ima volumen ćelija. Rezultati ovog istraživanja daje nove spoznaje o zapunjenju ćelija bojilom kroz određeni vremenski period, te da učestalo pranje aniloks valjka ne utječe o metražu, nego utječe o broju izmjena radnih naloga.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Zjakić, Igor |
Thesis Committee: | Majnarić, Igor and Zjakić, Igor and Modrić, Damir |
Defence date: | 29 September 2016 |
Abstract in english: | Today, flexography is one of the most common printing techniques, the improvement of the equipment allows printing on all kinds of printing substrates (packaging, paper, labels, foils ..). Different parameters concerning technology, type of making polymer plates, pressure in the press, anilox roller and different printing substrates affect the quality of reproduction. When printing, there are certain limitations to the reproduction of smooth transitions that create the effect of broken tones in bright areas and reducing the range of tones in the press. The transfer of the printing ink on the printing plate, the excess dyestuff is removed using a squeegee, and this operation significantly affects the wear of anilox roller, also to transfer the printing ink affects the cleanliness and maintenance of the anilox roller. The aim is to examine how in the particular period of time the volume of anilox roller is reducing, ie. How much the amount of cells that are subsequently filled with UV dye is reduced. Volume of cells has the significant impact on quality of reproduction. The results of this research gives new insights into the clogging cell dye through a certain period of time, and that frequent washing anilox roller does not affect the meterage, but affects the number of modified work orders. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | fleksotisak, kvaliteta otiska, aniloks valjak, UV bojila |
Keywords in english: | flexo, print quality, anilox roller, UV dyes |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 55 |
Callnumber: | ZJA 2016 ČER |
Inventory number: | DB602 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 08 Dec 2016 10:02 |
Last Modified: | 08 Dec 2016 10:02 |
URI: | http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2654 |
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