Kessler, Lana (2016) Modeliranje krzna, perja i kože u programskom paketu Blender. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja].
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Rad je podijeljen u nekoliko faza. Prva faza bavit će se skupljanjem predložaka za izradu modela. Druga faza je izrada modela. Rad detaljno opisuje postupak izrade svakog od navedenih modela. Modeli su: krzno kratkodlake mačke, krzno dugodlake mačke, pera ptica iz porodice golupčarki, te primjerak reptilske kože. U radu će biti opisan postupak izrade svakog predloška u programu „Blender“. Neki modeli biti će izrađeni preko sustava čestica, dok će drugi biti kompleksne mreže poligona. Svaki od modela imat će obojenje. Kod kompleksnih poligona biti će izrađen tlocrt obojenja. Kod modela izrađenih preko sustava čestica obojenje će biti dodano putem postavki za čestice. Nakon potpune izrade modela slijedi fotografiranje pomoću virtualne kamere ugrađene u programu. Tim postupkom se dobivaju dvodimenzionalni prikazi modela. Te fotografije će služiti za ispitivanje u sljedećoj fazi rada. Treća faza je ispitivanje predložaka i modela. Kod ispitivanja biti će nekoliko parametara po kojima će se provoditi testiranje modela. Kod ispitivanja će se testirati izgled modela, te usporedba s originalnim predloškom po nekoliko parametara. Zadnja faza sastoji se od dvije analize. Analiza stupnja kompleksnosti po svakom modelu, te ukupno vrijeme izrade.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja |
Thesis Committee: | Skala, Tibor and Bjelovučić Kopilović, Sanja and Mikota, Miroslav |
Defence date: | 30 September 2016 |
Abstract in english: | The thesis is divided into several stages. The first phase is gathering of the templates for the 3D models. The second phase is the development of models. The work describes the process of making each of these models. The models are: fur of a shorthair cat, fur of a long-haired cat, feathers of birds from the family columbiformes, and a specimen of reptilian skin. The paper will describe the process of making each template in the program "Blender". Some models will be made through the particle sistem, while others will be a complex network of polygons. Each of the models will have a color. In complex polygons there will be drawn a layout for color. For models made with the particle system, color will be added through the settings for the particles. After completing the models the next faze is photography using a virtual camera built into the program. This procedure gives a two-dimensional representations of the model. These photos will be used for testing in the next phase of work. The third phase is the testing templates and models. When testing there will be by several parametars. It will include testing the appearance of the model, and compared with the original template by several parameters. The final phase consists of two analyzes. Analysis of the level of complexity for each model, and the total time of writing. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | trodimenzionalni modeli, Blender, krzno, koža, perje |
Keywords in english: | 3D models, Blender, fur, skin, feathers |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 37 |
Callnumber: | BJE 2016 KES |
Inventory number: | DB605 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 16 Dec 2016 12:26 |
Last Modified: | 16 Dec 2016 12:26 |
URI: | |
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