Laginja, Emanuel (2017) Reinženjering procesa održavanja u proizvodnji kartonske ambalaže. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Banić, Dubravko].
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Reinženjering predstavlja pojam u industriji koji prikazuje potpuno novi pristup određenom problemu s ciljem njegovog rješavanja i sprječavanja njegovog ponovnog pojavljivanja, neovisno radi li se o rješavanju običnog kvara na stroju ili o kompletnom preustroju poduzeća. U ovome radu govorit će se o reinženjeringu, odnosno unaprjeđenju jednog segmenta proizvodnog pogona, točnije njegovog održavanja, a okruženje će biti proizvodnja kartonske ambalaže. Takav tip proizvodnje karakteriziraju velike naklade, što znači da je prioritet visoka isplativost strojeva. Poznata je ona uzrečica kako je „najskuplji stroj onaj koji stoji“, tj. onaj koji ne proizvodi. U to njegovo neproizvodno vrijeme, uz kvarove i zastoje, ulazi i period manjka ljudi, period čekanja dostave sirovine. Upravo u tom neproizvodnom vremenu je bit modernog plana održavanja, plan koji nije u konfrontaciji s planom proizvodnje već u korelaciji s njime, tj. koristi neproizvodno vrijeme strojeva kao svoje vrijeme, što znači da uz standardne zadaće održavanja (osiguravanje nesmetanog rada stroja i vitalnost njegovih dijelova) pazi i na budžet jer ne traži njegovo zaustavljanje kako bi se provelo održavanje već predviđa njegovo provođenje kada stroj zbog nekog drugog razloga stoji i na taj način povećava njegovu učinkovitost. To znači kako je cilj ovog rada provesti reinženjering kojim će se klasičan način održavanja pretvoriti u plan kojemu proizvodnja neće biti podređena.
Item Type: | Master's thesis - Graduate Programme |
Mentor name: | Banić, Dubravko |
Thesis Committee: | Lajić, Branka and Banić, Dubravko and Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana |
Defence date: | 7 July 2017 |
Abstract in english: | The term „reengineering“ is referred to as a project in all types of industries, and its primary feature is adopting a new approach to a certain problem, with the aim of fnding the solution and making sure it does not appear again: whether the problem concerns fxing a simple mechanical failure or thorough company restructuring. This thesis will address reengineering, improving a manufacturing company or, more precisely, its specifc part: maintenance. This analysis will be performed in a cardboard manufacturing plant. This type of manufacture is characterised by a large output which makes the cost-effectiveness of machinery a priority. It is said, in all types of industries, that the “most expensive machine is the one which stands still”. Such unproductive periods include not only machine failure and malfunction but also the time wasted due to shortage of people or raw material (waiting for delivery). This time period is in fact the essence of modern maintenance planning which does not interfere with production planning but, in fact, it does just the opposite. It uses this “time-out“ period and turns it into maintenance time. The main purpose of the maintenance is to make machinery reliable and conti-nuously operative and to ensure the vitality of its parts. This type of maintenance is also budget-friendly because it does not require stopping the production to conduct maintenance and servicing. Furthermore, it predicts its next “time-out“ (raw material delivery or shortage of people, as mentioned above) and conducts maintenance in that period, without changing production schedules, which in the end enables increased production effciency. Taking into account all of the above, the main goal of this thesis is to conduct a reengineering project which will develop a maintenance regime that works in synergy with production planning. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | reinženjering, održavanje, ambalaža |
Keywords in english: | reengineering, maintenance, packaging |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 90 |
Callnumber: | BAN 2017 LAG |
Inventory number: | DB635 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 28 Jul 2017 08:05 |
Last Modified: | 28 Jul 2017 08:05 |
URI: | |
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