Magnum fotografije i njezini utjecaji na društvo

Bunčić, Valerija (2017) Magnum fotografije i njezini utjecaji na društvo. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].

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Ideja „magnum fotografija“ je promoviranje same fotografije koja je u isto vrijeme i umjetnička i reportaţna fotografija odnosno, fotografije koja daje i prenosi informaciju te također izaziva i određene osjećaje i emocije kod gledatelja. Cilj Magnum agecije, koja je osnivač zapravo takvih vrsta fotografija, je bio da fotografija ne bude samo dokument nekog događaja, već težnja da sam fotograf bude izvještivač sa slikom, ali isto tako, i da kroz formu fotopriče snaţno izrazi i prikaţe svoje razmišljanje i stavove. Takva Magnum zajednica dijeli istu znatiželju o tome što se događa u svijetu, i ima poštovanje prema samom tom događanju te želju da se to preobrazi u vizualno. Može se reći da je to zapravo reportaţna novinska fotografija. I ono što je najvaţnije, progres koji je promovira ova fotografska agencija je autorsko pravo koje ostaje autorima, a ne nekim magazinima i drugim medijima koji su objavili njihove fotografije. Nadalje, u ovom radu se također dotakla tema dokumentarne fotografije te koliko je pojedina fotografija vjerodostojna u odnosu na odgovarajući tekst odnosno članak. Naime, postoji mogućnost da se u nekom članku piše o povijesti neke osobe koje je djelovala u to vrijeme te je imala različite utjecaje na pojedino područje i društvo, međutim, ona nije dokumentirana. Postoje neki dokumenti o njoj, možda i fotografije, ali kako će se znati da se ta fotografija uklapa u priču članka, jer moţe se staviti bilo koja fotografija iz tog razdoblja i reći da pripada određenoj osobi koja se spominje u određenom članku.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Thesis Committee: Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana and Mikota, Miroslav and Mrvac, Nikola
Defence date: 26 September 2017
Abstract in english: The idea of "magnum photography" is to promote photography that is at the same time artistic and reportage photography. It is about photography that gives and transmits information and also causes certain feelings and emotions to viewers. The goal of Magnum agency, which was the founder of such a kind of photograph, was that the photograph is not just a document of an event, but a desire for a photographer to be an image reporter, but also to strongly express his thoughts and attitudes through the form of photo story. This Magnum community shares the same curiosity about what is happening in the world, and has respect for the event itself, and the desire to turn it into visually. It can be said that this is actually a reportage newspapers photography. And most importantly, the progress that is being promoted by this photographic agency is the copyright that remains to the authors, and not to some magazines and other media that have published their photographs. Furthermore, this paper has also touched upon the topic of documentary photography and how certain photos are authentic in relation to the corresponding text or article. Namely, there is a possibility that in some article is written about the history of a person who has acted at some time and has had different influence on a particular area and society, but it is not documented. There are some documents about it, maybe pictures, but how it will know that this photo fits in the story of the article because any photo from that period can be put in and say it belongs to a certain person mentioned in a certain article.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Magnum agencija, magnum fotografija, dokumentarna fotografija
Keywords in english: Magnum agency, magnum photos, documentary photography
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 114
Callnumber: MIK 2017 BUN
Inventory number: DB657
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 26 Jan 2018 12:57
Last Modified: 26 Jan 2018 12:57

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