Utjecaj ambalaže na prodaju proizvoda

Grgić, Mirna (2018) Utjecaj ambalaže na prodaju proizvoda. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Lajić, Branka].

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Temeljne vizualne informacije kojima je moguće manipulirati potrošačem su tekst, slika i boja. Predmet istraţivanja u ovom diplomskom radu je medij odnosno ambalaţa kojom se te informacije prenose. Ambalaţu promatramo kroz dva osnovna aspekta: prvi je tehničko-konstruktivni kojim se ispunjavaju fizički zahtjevi (zaštite proizvoda, transport, distribucija i skladištenje), a drugi je grafičko informacijski kojim se ispunjavaju vizualni zahtjevi u smislu ukrašavanja površine, obavještavanje potrošača te motiviranja na kupnju. Prije bilo kakvog promišljanja o mogućem obliku ambalaţe potrebno je uzeti u obzir sam proizvod. Izazov koji se postavlja konstruktoru-dizajneru ambalaţe je taj kako postići da kupac upravo njegov proizvod izabere izmeĎu desetak istih proizvoda različitih proizvoĎača. Tipičan potrošač najčešće šeće prodavaonicom i kupuje ono što mu se svidi. Pojedini proizvod zadrţava pozornost potrošača tek nekoliko sekundi i u tom kratkom vremenu ambalaţa mu mora poslati poruku koja će ga motivirati na kupnju. Komplicirani dizajn te kontradiktorne i dvosmislene poruke ne mogu u tih nekoliko sekundi prenijeti poruku “kupi me“. Takve proizvode potencijalni kupci i ne uoče a što se ne uoči to se i ne proda. Cilj ovog rada je interpretirati ambalaţu kao dio marketinga i vrlo vaţnog elementa u prodaji, svrha je pregledno prikazati kako ambalaţa i njen izgled utječu na prodaju proizvoda. Istraţivanje je provedeno metodom internetskog anketnog upitnika na području Republike Hrvatske.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Lajić, Branka
Thesis Committee: Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana and Lajić, Branka and Banić, Dubravko
Defence date: 2 February 2018
Abstract in english: The basic visual information that a consumer can be manipulated with is text, image and colour. The subject of research in this graduate thesis is the media or packaging that conveys this information. We observe the packaging through two basic aspects: the first is technical-constructive that meets the physical requirements (product protection, transport, distribution and storage) and the other is graphical information that meets the visual requirements in terms of surface decoration, consumer awareness and motivation to purchase. Before considering any possible form of packaging, it is necessary to consider the product itself. The challenge that a package designer is facing is how to get a consumer to choose his product out of a dozen different products from different manufacturers. A typical consumer usually comes to the store and buys what he likes. An individual product keeps the customer's attention for only a few seconds and in such a short time, the packaging must send a message that will motivate the customer to buy. The complicated design and contradictory or ambiguous messages cannot convey the message "buy me" in these couple of seconds. Potential buyers won`t notice those kinds of products, and what is not noticeable doesn't sell. The goal of this paper is to interpret packaging as a part of marketing and a very important element in sales, with the purpose to show how packaging and its appearance affects product sales. The research was conducted, using the method of an internet questionnaire survey on the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
Uncontrolled Keywords: ambalaža, grafički dizajn, potrošač, prodaja, marketing
Keywords in english: packaging, graphic design, consumer, sales, marketing
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 48
Callnumber: LAJ 2018 GRG
Inventory number: DB712
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2018 08:14
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2018 08:14
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2844

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