Matijević, Ana (2018) Trend razvoja ambalaže za kozmetičke proizvode. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Lajić, Branka].
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Ovaj završni rad bavi se proučavanjem i istraživanjima ambalaže koja se koristi za pakiranje kozmetičkih proizvoda. Obrađene su funkcije i podjele ambalaže općenito, kako izgled ambalaže može utjecati na prodaju proizvoda. Nadalje rad se fokusira na materijale koji se koriste prije svega kako bi očuvali proizvod od oštećenja, a da se pri tome ne izgubi unaprijed zamišljeni izgled ambalaže. Svaki novi proizvođač stvara svoj brand, neku prepoznatljivu i samo njima svojstvenu karakteristiku. Tako se određeni proizvod izdvaja od mase ostalih. Ambalaža za kozmetičke proizvode zahtjeva visoke standarde ponajviše u izgledu ambalaže. Isto se može reći i za odabir materijala za izradu ambalaže i zaštite koje će se koristiti što stvara pritisak na konstruktore i dizajnere takve ambalaže. Ona zajedno s proizvodom čini jednu cjelinu. Ambalaža predstavlja osobnu iskaznicu proizvoda i čini ga prepoznatljivim. Cilj rada je spoznati na temelju čega se pojedini kupac odlučuje za određeni proizvod i na temelju čega se takvi proizvodi diferenciraju jedni od drugih. Također za cilj ima pojasniti zašto kozmetička industrija teži rastu inovacija (s obzirom na konstrukciju i dizajn ambalaže) i zašto materijal od kojeg je ambalaža izrađena predstavlja jedan od glavnih čimbenika koji utječe na prodaju kozmetičkog proizvoda.
Item Type: | Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme |
Mentor name: | Lajić, Branka |
Thesis Committee: | Pasanec Preprotić, Suzana and Lajić, Branka and Banić, Dubravko |
Defence date: | 18 September 2018 |
Abstract in english: | This final thesis deals with studying and research of the packaging used for the packing of cosmetic products. Functions and the classification of the packaging in general were presented and elaborated and the effect of the packaging appearance on product sales was also discussed. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on materials used primarily for the protection of the product - while retaining the anticipated appearance (layout) of the packaging. Each new manufacturer creates its own brand, some sort of their recognizable and unique feature. That is how a certain product stands out in the mass of other products. The packaging for cosmetic products requires high standards, especially when it comes to the packaging design and appearance. The same could be said for the selection of materials used for packaging production and protection which will be used – and that puts pressure on constructors and designers of such packaging. The packaging, along with the product, forms a production complex. The packaging represents the “identity card“ of the product and it makes it recognizable. The aim of this thesis is to comprehend how each customer decides to buy a certain product and how these products differ from each other. It also aims to clarify why the cosmetic industry strives towards the ever growing inventions (considering the construction and the design of the packaging) and why the material, from which the packaging was made, represents one of the main factors affecting the sale of cosmetic product. |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | ambalaža, kozmetička industrija, proizvod, dizajn, materijal, funkcija |
Keywords in english: | packaging, cosmetic industry, product, design, material, function |
Subjects: | TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology |
Institution: | Grafički fakultet |
City: | Zagreb |
Number of Pages: | 39 |
Callnumber: | LAJ 2018 MAT |
Inventory number: | Z865 |
Depositing User: | Nina Jelača |
Status: | Unpublished |
Date Deposited: | 20 Nov 2018 12:10 |
Last Modified: | 20 Nov 2018 12:10 |
URI: | |
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