Adaptacija tipografije Swiss dizajna na glazbenim plakatima

Vidulina, Lina (2018) Adaptacija tipografije Swiss dizajna na glazbenim plakatima. Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana].


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U teorijskom dijelu rada analizirat će se tipografija i Swiss dizajn. Naime, tipografija čini važnu karakteristiku Swiss dizajna stoga je bitno razumijeti njene korijene i osnovne pojmove. Swiss dizajn se razvio 1950-ih godina, specifičan je po tehničkom pristupu, uporabi mreže, izjednačenim debljinskim vrijednostima i tipografiji bez serifa zbog čega postaje poznat pod sinonimom Internacionalni tipografski stil. Iz tog razdoblja nastali su neki od najpoznatijih fontova, Univers i Helvetica. S obzirom da se danas minimalizam i funkcionalizam stila može primijetiti u svim sferama grafičkog dizajna, cilj istraživanja je obrazložiti učestalost korištenja bezserifne tipografije kroz primjere glazbenih plakata, odnosno učestalost primjene fonta Helvetica. Također, cilj je prikazati prilagodbu Swiss dizajna u današnjici, te novonastalih pisama što će se prikazati vlastitom serijom plakata. Iako se kod izrade plakata koristi bezserifna tipografija novog doba, uspoređuje se s plakatom izrađenim u originalnom fontu Helvetica, kako bi dobili jasnu predodžbu razlika, mana i vrlina između dva navedena pisma. Principi koje su postavili dizajneri Swiss stila redovito inspiraraju dizajnere, potiču na razvijanje novih tipografskih rješenja i minimalističkog dizajna.

Item Type: Baccalaureus work - Undergraduate programme
Mentor name: Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana
Thesis Committee: Matijević, Mile and Žiljak Stanimirović, Ivana and Mikota, Miroslav
Defence date: 25 September 2018
Abstract in english: In the theoretical part of this study, typography and Swiss design will be analyzed. In fact, typography is an important feature of Swiss design, so it’s important to understand its roots and basic concepts. Swiss design developed in the 1950s, it is known by technical approach, the use of grid, equal stroke thickness and the sans-serif typography, which makes it known by the synonym International typographic style. In that period, some of the most famous fonts were created, Univers and Helvetica. Considering that minimalism and style functionalism can be noticed today, in all spheres of graphic design, the aim of research is to explain the frequency of using sans-serif typography through examples of music posters, or frequency of using Helvetica font. Also, the aim is to show the adaptation of Swiss design to present, as well as new typefaces that will be shown with poster series. Even though the sans-serif typography from new era is used for posters, it is compared to a poster which is made with original Helvetica font, to give a clear idea of the differences, virtues and flaws between the two typefaces. The principles set by Swiss style designers are inspiration for designers nowadays and encourage the development of new typographic solutions and minimalist design.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Swiss dizajn, bezserifna tipografija, minimalizam
Keywords in english: Swiss design, sans serif typography, minimalism
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 44
Callnumber: ŽILj 2018 VID
Inventory number: Z906
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2018 08:38
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2018 08:38

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