Primjena pseudo HDR tehnike kod fotografije dronom

Komesar, Iva (2018) Primjena pseudo HDR tehnike kod fotografije dronom. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].


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Fotografija iz zraka je specifično i zanimljivo područje još od samih početaka fotografije u 19 stoljeću, kada je Nadar započeo snimati fotografije iz zračnog balona. S vremenom se iz toga razvila zračna fotografija (aerial photography) i iz aviona, helikoptera i slično. Pojavom i nastankom drona, čija tehologija se počela razvijati prvi puta u vojne svrhe, javlja se mogućnost snimanja iz zraka takvom tehnologijom. Fotografija iz zraka i fotografija dronom općenito ima, pored ostalog, specifčnost da pokriva scenu izrazito različitih uvjeta osvjetljenja, odnosno izrazito različitih tonskih vrijednosti, ali isto tako i specifičnost da u praksi ne dolazi u obzir mogućnost snimanja i izrade pravog HDR-a zbog nemogućnosti stabilizacije fotografskog aparata u letu. Kao moguće riješenje nameće se upotreba pseudo HDR tehnike, koja podrazumijeva snimanje scene u sirovom zapisu te kasniju obradu tj. tonsko mapiranje takvog zapisa. S obzirom na karakteristike scene, snimane fotografskim aparatom na dronu, potrebna je specifična obrada, koja može podrazumijevati i tonsko mapiranje pojedinih djelova snimljene scene kako bi se ispravile „greške“ nastale prilikom snimanja, odnosno povećao ukupan broj podatka koji se može prikazati takvom fotografskom slikom. U radu se teoretski analizira tehnologija drona i drona sa fotografskim aparatom odnosno kamerom, HDR fotografija s posebnim naglaskom na pseudo HDR fotografiju te se u praktičnom dijelu, temeljem te analize, izrađuju autorske pseudo HDR fotografije snimane dronom.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Thesis Committee: Mrvac, Nikola and Mikota, Miroslav and Matijević, Mile
Defence date: 26 September 2018
Abstract in english: Aerial photography is a specific and interesting field ever since the beginning of photography in 19th centuary, when Nadar fist started shooting photos from air baloon. With time, out of it developed aerial photography from aeroplane, helicopter and similar. By appereance and emergence of drones, whose technology firstly started to develop in millitary purposes, the possibility appears to film from air with that kind of technology. Aerial photography and drone photography in general has, among everything else, specificity to cover the scene which has extremely different lightning conditions or tone values but at the same time, in practice, it is not possible to shoot and develop real HDR because of the impossibility to stabilise camerain flight. As possible solution, use of pseudo HDR technic is imposed, which implies shooting the scene in RAW format and later postprocessing ie. one mapping of that kind of format. Considering the characteristics of the scene, shot with a photographic camera on the drone, special processing is required, which may also include tone mapping of the individual parts of the recorded scene to correct the „errors“ caused during recording or increase the total number of data that can be displayed with such a photo. The paper theoretically analyzes the drone technology and drone with a camera, HDR photography with a special emphasis on pseudo HDR photography and in the practical part, based on this analysis, authored pseudo HDR photographs, taken with drone, are created.
Uncontrolled Keywords: dron, pseudo HDR, RAW, zračna fotografija
Keywords in english: drone, pseudo HDR, RAW, aerial photography
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 125
Callnumber: MIK 2018 KOM
Inventory number: DB774
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2019 10:44
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2019 10:44

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