Utjecaj animacija dizajniranih po smjernicama Material Designa na korisničko iskustvo

Mandić, Anita (2018) Utjecaj animacija dizajniranih po smjernicama Material Designa na korisničko iskustvo. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Pibernik, Jesenka].

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Tema podrazumijeva istraţivanje korisničkog iskustva animacija dizajniranih po smjernicama Material Designa u mobilnim aplikacijama te kako odreĎene promjene animacija utječu na doţivljaj korisnika o aplikaciji. TakoĎer se kroz ankete ispituje kako ciljana publika reagira na animacije koje se striktno drţe pravila Material Designa u usporedbi s onima koje ih krše. Material Design je dizajnerski jezik kojeg je 2014. godine Google predstavio javnosti. Osnova Material Designa zasniva se u oponašanju stvarnosti time što elementi oponašaju fizičku površinu (papir) pomoću osvjetljenja i sjena te osjetljivih animacija i tranzicija. Krajnji cilj Material Designa je omogućiti konzistentno korisničko iskustvo širom Android platforme i aplikacija. Svrha Material Designa je osigurati dizajn koji je ujedno jednostavan i fleksibilan, kako za korisnika, tako i za razvojnog programera. Kako bi se to postiglo, korisničko sučelje mora biti minimalistički dizajnirano s naglaskom na čitkosti tipografskih elemenata, piktogramima te animacijama koje korisniku šalju informaciju. Poanta animacija prema Material Designu je privući paţnju korisnika na odreĎene elemente i radnje te osiguravaju fluidnost. TakoĎer animacije upućuju na hijerarhiju i infrastrukturu elemenata te tvore distrakciju prilikom učitavanja ili hvatanja podataka, no takoĎer daju i karakter aplikaciji.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Pibernik, Jesenka
Thesis Committee: Dolić, Jurica and Pibernik, Jesenka and Brozović, Maja
Defence date: 26 September 2018
Abstract in english: The topic includes the research of user experience with animations in mobile applications designed under the guidelines of Material Design and it studies how certain animation modifications affect user experience with the application. Furthermore, questionnaires have been conducted to explore how targeted users react to the animations which strictly follow Material Design rules as opposed to the animations which break them. The idea behind Material Design is the imitation of reality by means of “cards” mimicking a material surface (a paper) using light and shadows, as well as sensitive animations and transitions. The ultimate goal of Material Design is to ensure consistent user experience all over the Android platform, (its) applications and beyond. The purpose of Material Design is to guarantee its users a design which is simple, yet flexible, both for a user and a developer. In order to achieve that, a user interface has to be designed minimalisticaly, with an emphasis on legibility of typographic elements, minimalist pictograms and animations that send information to the user. According to Material Design, the aim of these animations is to draw users’ attention to certain elements and actions, and they also ensure fluidity.Besides, the animations point to the hierarchy and infrastructure of elements, they create distraction during the uploading and downloading of data and they give an application character.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Material Design, korisničko iskustvo, aplikacija, korisnik, animacija
Keywords in english: Material Design, user experience, mobile applications, user, animation
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 39
Callnumber: PIB 2018 MAN
Inventory number: DB782
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2019 12:16
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2019 12:16
URI: http://eprints.grf.unizg.hr/id/eprint/2991

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