Fotografiranje pejzaža obale i mora digitalnim SLR fotoaparatom

Rančić, Katarina (2019) Fotografiranje pejzaža obale i mora digitalnim SLR fotoaparatom. Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Mikota, Miroslav].

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Fotografirati se mogu razni motivi koji nas okružuju. Svakako jedna od zanimljivijih tematika je pejzažna fotografija. U pejzažnu fotografiju ubraja se fotografiranje prirode - planina, livada, mora i sličnih motiva. Uzimajući u obzir svu širinu pejzažnih motiva ovaj rad je usmjeren na fotografiranje obale i mora. U teorijskom djelu pokriveni su svi elementi potrebni za kreiranje kvalitetne pejzažne fotografije. Na početku upoznaje se s pejzažnom fotografijom. Nakon upoznavanja žanra, upoznaje se s DSLR fotoaparatima, tehnikama fotografiranja s naglaskom na pejzaž i na kraju osnovnom postprodukcijom na pejzažnim fotografijama. Za eksperimentalni rad uzeto je priobalno područje kao izvor motiva za stvaranje pejzažne fotografije. Sve fotografije su autorska dijela fotografirana DSLR fotoaparatom. Kroz rad se opisuju uvjeti snimanja, oprema kojom autor raspolaže, te su za svaku fotografiju priložene postavke fotoaparata s kojima je nastala. Nakon fotografiranja dobivene fotografije su dodatno obrađene u programima za postprodukciju slika. Za kraj se analiziraju dobivene fotografije, te se izvlači zaključak o važnostima pojedinih znanja i postupaka pri fotografiranju pejzaža obale i mora. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati tehničke mogućnosti DSLR fotoaparata, tehničke zahtjevnosti fotografiranja te važnosti poznavanja kadriranja i kompozicija u kreiranju estetski atraktivnih fotografija pejzaža.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Mikota, Miroslav
Thesis Committee: Matijević, Mile and Mikota, Miroslav and Mrvac, Nikola
Defence date: 29 January 2019
Abstract in english: Various motifs in our surrondings can be photographed. Certainly, one of the more interesting themes is landscape photography. Landscape photography consist of photographs of nature, mountains, meadows, sea and similar motifs. Taking into account the variety of landscape motifs, this text is focused on photographs of the sea and the coastline. In the theoretical part, all the elements necessary to create high quality landscape photographs are covered. In the first part, landscape photography is introduced. After getting to know the genre, the focus is set on getting acquainted with DSLR cameras, landscaping techniques, and ultimately basic post-production landscape photography. In the experimental part, the coastal area was taken as a source of motives for creating landscape photographs. All photographs are taken by the author, with a DSLR camera. Recording conditions and the equipment the author has at her disposal are described, also each photograph is accompanied with the information about camera settings with which it was taken. Taken photographs were futher processed with the software for photography post-production. In the end, the obtained photographs are analyzed and conclusions are drawn on the importance of certain knowledge and procedures in photographing the landscapes of the coast and the sea. The aim of this master's thesis to show the technical capabilities of DSLR cameras, technical challenges in obtaining quality photographs and the importance of knowing cadre and composition in creating aesthetically appealing landscape photographs.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pejzažna fotografija, DSLR fotoaparati, fotografiranje
Keywords in english: Landscape photography, DSLR cameras, photographing
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 52
Callnumber: MIK 2019 RAN
Inventory number: DB798
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2019 09:24
Last Modified: 18 Feb 2019 09:24

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