Vizualni identitet ljekovitog kanabisa za kućne ljubimce (HemPet)

Munoz Gonzales, Mauricio Andres (2019) Vizualni identitet ljekovitog kanabisa za kućne ljubimce (HemPet). Master's thesis - Graduate Programme. Grafički fakultet. [Mentor: Brozović, Maja].


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Predmet istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada je oblikovanje ambalaže serije proizvoda medicinskog kanabisa za kućne ljubimce "HemPet". Proizvod je potpuno nov na hrvatskom i europskom tržištu. Teoretski dio rada opisuje koliko je kupcima bitan vizualni identitet, te koji elementi najviše pridonose prepoznavanju tvrtke ili proizvoda konkurencije, dok praktični dio rješava problematiku vizualnog identiteta u cilju postizanja bolje prepoznatljivosti i pozicioniranosti na tržištu. Tijek izrade oblikovanja obuhvaća više faza: prikupljanje informacija, istraživanje tržišta koje obuhvaća analizu srodnih proizvoda, pozicioniranje i strategiju, definiranje parametra vizualnog identiteta. Ispitati će se značaj samog vizualnog identiteta, njegove karakteristike, kao što su tipografija, oblik, boja, koncept te usporedba kvalitete različitih idejnih rješenja međusobno. Vizualni identitet može se ciljano dizajnirati, kako bi cjelokupni koncept bio u potpunosti i skladu s vrijednostima proizvoda za koji je namijenjen. Osim toga, anketiranjem i intervjuiranjem ciljane skupine korisnika na hrvatskom i europskom tržištu želi se saznati kojim vizualnim kodovima su skloni korisnici s pojedinog tržišta, na koji način interpretiraju poruke, kao i njihove želje, potrebe, navike i vrijednosti.

Item Type: Master's thesis - Graduate Programme
Mentor name: Brozović, Maja
Thesis Committee: Pibernik, Jesenka and Brozović, Maja and Dolić, Jurica
Defence date: 30 January 2019
Abstract in english: The subject of this graduate thesis is the design of a package of medical cannabis products "HemPet". The product is brand new in the Croatian and European markets. The theoretical part of the paper describes how important is the visual identity of customers and what elements contribute most to the recognition of a company or a product of competition while the practical part solves the problem of visual identity in order to achieve better recognition and positioning in the market. The designing process involves several phases: gathering information, market research that includes analysis of related products, positioning and strategy, defining the parameters of visual identity. The significance of the visual identity itself, its characteristics such as typography, shape, color, concept and comparison of the quality of different conceptual solutions to each other will be explored. Visual identity can be targeted to design so that the overall concept is fully and in line with the value of the product for which it is intended. In addition, by interviewing the target group of users on the Croatian and European markets, we want to find out which visual codes are attractive to individual market users, how they interpret messages, as well as their desires, needs, habits and values.
Uncontrolled Keywords: vizualni identitet, dizajn ambalaže, koncept, logotip, ulje konoplje, ljekoviti kanabis
Keywords in english: visual identity, packaging design, concept, logo, hemp oil, healing cannabis
Subjects: TECHNICAL SCIENCES > Graphic Technology
Institution: Grafički fakultet
City: Zagreb
Number of Pages: 43
Callnumber: BRO 2019 MUN
Inventory number: DB800
Depositing User: Nina Jelača
Status: Unpublished
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2019 09:33
Last Modified: 18 Feb 2019 09:33

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